Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Another Reason to Hate Americans

What do you do with food?


Ho ho! Ha ha! Hee hee!

The summer fun of July 4th hot dog eating contests...and July 5th vomit and diarrhea-fests...was just the beginning.

What's behind all this?

Maybe it's the competitive U.S.A. enraged that Mexico, land of the Human Burrito, has taken over as the most obese country on Earth. The aggressive challenge now is to waste food (Harry Chapin is turning over in his grave), promote the biggest and unhealthiest American corporations (McDonalds and Burger King), and rage at any suggestion that both sugary sodas and diet sodas are health risks.

The protests about Trayvon Martin were NOTHING compared with what went on when Mayor Bloomberg in New York proposed a ban on 32 ounce (GIANT) soda cups at stadiums and recreation parks and the bodegas. All he was saying was to be mindful of your gluttony. Understand what a HUMAN portion is. If you need DOUBLE the amount of sugary drink, then go back for seconds, and at least be aware of what a pig you are.

Not only did this lead to rage, it had politicians pushing for laws specifically designed to PREVENT any ban of any size container, AND bans on restaurants having to post calorie count information or ingredient warnings. One Southern politician proudly pushed through his local city ordinance...from the fast food joint he owned!

A few decades ago, people complained that it was ridiculous for cigarette companies to have to put "warning" labels on their product. Cigarettes aren't dangerous! Prove to me they cause cancer! This is government interference! And the cigarette companies joined with the ignorant to fight it. Then it was proven. And worse. It was proven that second-hand smoke was dangerous, too.

Yet, the fat pigs of the world, and the ostrich-brains of the world, don't want to even know what's good or bad for them.

Even with the warning labels, and the high prices, people smoke...and end up costing the tax payer a fortune as they get hooked up to machines to help their black lungs work and keep their diseased hearts pumping. People waddle around with no shame at all, stuffing their face with snack food, not concerned that they might keel over any moment or worse, end up with diabetes and a few less feet to waddle with.

Sad to say this is not a very amusing world. It is more often disgusting.

I have a perfect, and amusing solution.

Pass a law to make it legal to throw tomatoes at smoking Mexicans.

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