Thursday, July 25, 2013


Yes, Kanye West and Kim Kardashian have spent more than you or I made in the past DECADE...on their shit.

Actually, these two just bought four gold-plated toilets: $750.000.

Two toilets each...they ARE full of shit and require double-duty when they go.

Now you know why fat-ass Kardashian and her creepy klan are always in the news. They hire pricey publicists because you have to spend money to make money. The more hype and hysteria they generate, and the more outrageous their behavior...the more money they make to do even more. More. More.

As for Kan't Sing, the middle-class dipshit who affects a scowl and such concern for the poor (excuse me, the po')...he doesn't make headlines for building schools in Africa, or helping out some blacks with black lung in a mine somewhere. He's about MINE MINE MINE, not a diamond mine.

His headlines are about wearing stupid clothes and fucking a slut. A slut who got famous for video-porn and knowing a female-faced freako named Bruce Jenner and having a tasteless trampy mama to pimp her.

He's known for gold toilets and other useless bling, and instead of pushing for an end to world hunger or genocide in Africa he'd rather push around some white girl at an awards show and tell the world she doesn't deserve an honor because some black woman was up for the award, too. That's not racist? That's not stupid? That's not wasting the celebrity power and influence he's been given? What a head full of shit.

Kan't Sing could care less. He's so big now, he can bomb on stage and get away with it. He embarrassed himself recently by his ineptitude (the 12/12/12 concert) where he wore a leather skirt and stumbled around off-key and boring. No, he's now more than just another rapper who made a fortune for no reason, he's a SUPERSTAR, and all he has to do is show off how rich he is. All he's obligated to do is be hypocrite enough to still be glowering everywhere he goes like he's oppressed.

No, rappers like Kanye, fashionista gender-freaks like Lady Gaga, and fatso hags such as Adele have no reason to be sad. Yet they all carry on as if the weight of the world is on 'em. Poor Gaga speaks for every "monster" and confused homo on the planet. Adele speaks to every obese pig who can't put down a knife and fork. And Kan't Sing is Black Jesus Yeezus.

NOne of 'em really give a shit about anyone or anything, and they don't even care about music piracy, because they make a fortune not just from their live shows, but by those sneaky "corporate sponsor" and "Arab rich bastard" gigs.

Yeah, Jennifer Lopez, "Jenny from the Block," miss "I'm just a Bronx Latina" charges MILLIONS to go to some racist Arab country and mince around and sing for the Shah for an hour. All the talentless punks and dumb bitches on the Billboard Top 20 singles chart are whores and pimps...they can be bought. "Gimme $50,000 and I'll phone up your brother and sing Happy Birthday." "Gimme $100,000 and I'll show up at your club, have a few drinks, and leave." "Gimme $500,000 and I'll lip-sync two songs in front of the King of Dungbai while a llama nibbles his falafel-covered dingus."

All the rich slimeballs do it. That freak Nicki Minaj was laughing all the way to the bank about having turned up for a Bar Mitvah. Hey, I'd laugh too. What the fuck is some pipsqueak little Jewish boy getting Minaj for, unless he wants to grow up to be Harvey Feirstein and wear a dress?

But mostly it's not the stereotype rich Jew who books this crap. It's the RICH ARAB. THE RICH (pseudo) MUSLIM. Yeah, the King of some half-baked sun-soaked crazy country where the people are poor, told to hate whites and Jews, while their leaders hold lavish parties and orgies. Then once in a while these leaders get tossed out but replaced by worse ones. While the stupid poor kill each other and blow US up.

So Kanye and Kim Kan afford Kans made outta gold. While really talented musicians have to suffer with soul-sapping day jobs, or go through hoops to be on the dole, and have to simmer while DeathFace and DevilGirl and Hans-Christer-Zinshit give away all their music and screech about happy sunshine and how music should be free and "not to be missed" and giving away somebody else's work is somehow protected as "creative commons" (if you're a Commie or stupid) and legal if you say it's also "for educational purposes" (ho ho ha ha hee hee).

Kanye and Kim aren't suffering. They have gold plated toilets for their shit. Deep in the shit are songwriters from the 50's and 60's who desperately need the royalty checks, or faded 70's and 80's musicians who had one or two hits and are now denied a label deal, or indie artists and free-thinkers who would like to at least get a cult following of paying customers but can't. This latter group can barely afford a pot to piss in, and can't afford a Web Sheriff or Grayzone to help protect them. And where's Big Shot Kanye to demand that his fellow artists be protected by stronger DMCA laws? Well, he's too busy buying gold plated toilets. He could give a damn about the ghetto (where he never lived) or black injustice, or artist injustice, or copyright or anything beyond himself or his fat-assed stupid wife and his ugly dollop of a brat.


Now you don't have to shit in the street like the subhumans you really are. You can learn to be toilet trained.

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