Wednesday, July 17, 2013


How amusing it would be... if a New York Times blogger had his head smacked to the sidewalk like it was a casaba melon.

Why? Not for a bag of Skittles, but for a rap CD.

Guarantee you this: it wouldn't be front page news all over the world, nobody would riot, nobody would scream racism, and calm readers would say, "Well, these things happen all the time."

Fortunately, Herr Ginsberg is an affluent schmuck, a gutless dweeb, and had $20 with which to save his life. Because if he hadn't, he might've taken a fatal beating.

Here's the jolly story as he proudly tells it himself:

Ho ho ha ha hee hee. A lot of the comments left for La Ginza, commend him for telling such a funny story about city life.

Except, ALL of us could offer a similar one that wasn't so funny, involving a minority member (or group thereof) trying to intimidate or rob. Or successfully perpetrate some conjob or blackmail (excuse the expression, not) or money demand. Or worse. In most cases that minority member was racially profiling, and picking a victim solely on color (the whiter and paler the better).

I think we can safely say that the black rappers in this story knew that a white, Liberal, Jewish-looking lame-ass like Ginsberg could be shaken down in broad daylight, without him mewling a single "OY!" for help.

Do you think a Puerto Rican or another Black would've stood still for this garbage, and be told that a public sidewalk, illegally used by pieces of shit, was now a store with rules and boundaries and purchase requirements?

Schmuck Ginsberg has no idea how close he might've come to having his head on a Tray(von) in a morgue, the victim of a rap-slam to the sidewalk by an overzealous rapper impatient to become the next Jay-Z and resentful of Whitey for...oh, let's go back to the Civil War and slavery if need be. Maybe mention Tawana Brawley (the faker who blew racial tensions sky-high...and no doubt many still believe her tale).

I don't minimize racism. There is prejudice and injustice all around us. There is massive hate and resentment. But there are also people who grew up in the projects and had nothing and were treated badly...but instead of crime and drugs they focused on school and guess what, they got decent jobs and live well and have assimilated. Not everyone in Trayvon Martin's school class is six feet under. You make your choices.

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