Friday, July 19, 2013

Charles Barkley gets it right, too. Zimmerman Evidence Weak

It isn't just white gun-nuts like Ted Nugent who think the George Zimmerman verdict was correct. Charles Barkley might not be as gonzo as fellow retired basketball superstar Dennis Rodman, but he's known for "keepin' it real," and being a tough, cool dude. And he rightly says that there wasn't enough evidence to convict...and that the knee-jerk protests and controversy is very racist. On both sides.
It would've been easy for him to just join various black rappers and others, and shout about "injustice," but this guy sees things a lot more clearly.

In a way, he sees things a lot more clearly than President Obama. While not overtly whining about how "innocent" the victim was, Obama ignored that this kid was wearing a gangsta hoodie and being sullen and obnoxious and racially profiling somebody as a "cracker." He didn't address how this played a part in that kid's demise.

INSTEAD, Obama internalized and said "that could've been me." Yeah? Really? Not really.

Barry Obama, as he was known, had a smile on his face, interacted well with his white class mates, and when he smoked his pot, he was even more mellow. He wasn't the type to wear gangsta clothes and lose his cool with some pudgy "cracker" he thought he could beat up.

"Trayvon Martin could've been me 35 years ago," Obama declared from (pardon the expression) the White House. “There are very few African-American men in this country who haven’t had the experience of getting on an elevator and having a woman clutching her purse nervously and holding her breath until she had a chance to get off. That happens often.

Fucking right, man. FUCKING RIGHT.

Guess what. It'll happen if a shabby white guy is on the elevator, too.

Hey guys, do YOU remember a time when some woman recoiled from an elevator, in a bar, on the street...for fear that you were going to make a pass at her? Can you think back to a situation where some woman clutched her purse tighter, or pulled her baby carriage closer, or was just pointedly rude about moving to another seat on the bus? These are dangerous times. You have to be a fucking MORON not to size up the people around you. And you have to be a MORON not to know that blacks commit more crimes than whites, and that you'll be a statistic if you flash a grin and stand there looking vulnerable.

Racial profiling...ooh ooh OOH. Hey Big O, I do it all the time. Redneck profiling. Puerto Rican profiling. Yuppie profiling. It's called BEING SMART. I size up exactly what's in front of me, and that includes dogs on leashes. How secure IS that leash? Don't tell me a little dog can't or won't bite.

Hey, I'll go to another subway car if I see some fucking nanny with a baby that might start squealing. I don't need the aggravation. Gonna tell me I can't be "baby profiling?" FUCK YOU.

What Trayvon Martin did, that was a mistake, was to react to a security guard with hostility. But he was profiling a fat "cracker" who didn't wear a uniform or have a gun prominent on his hip. So he thought he could pull some shit.

No question the bottom line here is that an incident was blown out of proportion, and idiots on both sides are still endangering a lot of people by stoking embers and fanning flames. Should "stand your ground" still be a law in Florida? Should Zimmerman have been in uniform with his weapon displayed? Should stupid teens need their god dam mommy or go find their errant daddy and have an escort if they can't buy a pack of candy without getting into trouble? We live in strange times...and they get stranger when you end up respecting the opinions of Charles Barkley and Ted Nugent!

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