Sunday, July 21, 2013


Disgusting, huh?

Not to EBAY. They let this seller offer DOZENS AND DOZENS of raunchy "ADULTS ONLY" auctions.

Various eBay bidders "reported" these auctions, and EBAY is supposed to remove shit like this within 24 or 48 hours. The auctions were reported as soon as they went up...and EBAY let them STAY.

It takes a lot to shame them into doing the right thing.

EBAY of course, like Google, pretends to have rules, and pretends that all anyone has to do is "report" an item and someone will check it out and "take the appropriate action."

Right. Like, take a cut of the profit on pedophile porn, and ignore their own rules. One of the rules is that "ADULTS ONLY" magazines (and see, it says ADULT ONLY on the magazine in the photo, and it says ADULT in the ad header) can NOT be posted where minors can see them. The "magazine" category on EBAY is NOT for PORN. But the pedophiles who've posted DOZENS of these magazines are laughing all the way to the bank, to the urinals, to the playground...

It seems that part of EBAY ARROGANCE is that the more complaints they receive, the more arrogant, pig-headed and obnoxious they are about doing anything about it. That's the Nazi attitude in Utah, where EBAY has it's offices. Don't tell US what to do! We're EBAY! We have NO COMPETITION!

Some try to report pedophiles and perverts by calling up eBay. What do they get? A retarded Gunga Din asshole in India, who gives sing-song burblings of, "Oh yes, yes, I understand your problem..." But Gunga IS in India, he's just a phone-monkey, he can't do anything except pass the information where somebody in Utah who is probably a pedophile and is going to bid on the magazine, chooses to ignore the complaint.

EBAY's apathy and arrogance is dangerous. Look up the case of Peter Braunstein, the "Halloween Rapist." Thanks to EBAY, he was able to not only buy bondage equipment, a fireman's ID, and various weapons, he was even able to buy CHLOROFORM! He used all of this to knock on the door of a woman he didn't like at an office he was fired from, and attacked her.

EBAY, hiding as it does behind the Digital Millenium Act, insists they can't patrol their site, they are "just a venue" and it's up to somebody else to report vile auctions, violations of their terms of service, sales of material officially "banned," etc. etc. Except do they then do the right thing? Take a look at the photo above. NO, they don't.

You can go to EBAY and see what they restrict and prohibit:

Sometimes Ebay will add items to the list. Sometimes, heh heh, they amend and change the list to exclude the item or to create "weasel words" and gray areas. For example, "used underwear" is illegal on Ebay. Ebay is supposedly not a "swinger" website where whores can get clients by offering their "well worn" knickers (and then more, with phone sex or private visits). But Ebay doesn't believe stockings or pantyhose qualify as underwear, and there's also a caveat that says that collectible (antique) knickers can be sold if the auctioneer states "these have been washed." Which leads the whores to write "legal" ads like: "Well Worn...will be sent in a plastic sealed bag...but will be washed as per eBay rules."

Every auction on EBAY has a little hot link saying "REPORT THIS AUCTION."

But until a class action lawsuit smashes them in the face and they risk losing millions instead of a few pennies and a slap on the wrist, EBAY will embrace every rapist, every pedophile, every seller of lockpicking devices and meth and body parts and used underwear and government documents and alcohol and prescription drugs that they can.

The auction above...they let pedophile perverts not only sell, but accept private messages, make contacts, and find new buyers who they can play games with OFF site. In other words, EBAY becomes a swinger website. The auction above...means that children could see this auction, and worse ones. When parents try desperately to keep porn away from their kids and risk being called "snoops" if they monitor their brats all day...they have to worry that fucking EBAY is part of the problem? They have to worry that somebody on EBAY is, out in the open, selling adults only material, or chloroform or drugs or "well worn" stockings to their kids, and then arranging a meeting after the sale?

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