Monday, July 1, 2013

THAT CUNT PUTIN is a real PUSSY RIOT. You keep Snowden, Let the Girls Go, ASSHOLE

"Speaking at a news conference, Putin said that Snowden considers himself a rights activist, a "new dissident," and compared him to Nobel Peace Prize winner Andrei Sakharov..."

And what, Pooty-Poot (as Dubya used to call him), do you call PUSSY RIOT?

They are activists.

They are dissidents.

They are in your jail, you racist, sexist, murderous twisted sick-o divorced needle-nosed wax-faced petty thief and full-time butcher.

Got that, Fuckhead? You twisted double-ugly Commie scum and pure evil movie-star-wanna-be.

Go get some more plastic surgery. Did you really leave your wife so you could have sex with Stevie-boy Seagal?

Here's this genocide-loving ethnic-cleansing weasel, this copyright-infringing albino turd who is such a creep he has to sneak away with a Super Bowl ring that somebody showed him. He's telling the world Snowden can hang around a Russian airport like he's starring in some bad re-make of a lousy Tom Hanks movie!! ("The Terminal" 2004, film fans)

Snowden can stay in Russia because Russia supports DISSIDENTS AND ACTIVISTS!!

How about if you let Pussy Riot get asylum, huh? What about that one, Pooty-Poot? Why don't you let them go to Ecquador. Or America. Or someplace besides a jail cell for doing nothing. What did these chicks do? Played a bad song or two? Send them to Juilliard.

No, no, the Commie hypocrite is forever the lying, stealing, rotten Klingon of the Real World...pure evil. You steal our music and pay no royalties. That's ok. You lock up somebody for singing a song but you protect a "dissident" and "activist" YOU want to protect because it pisses off your enemy.

The United Nations...too fucking bad they aren't united and blowing the assholes right off this planet. BOOM goes Russia, BOOM goes North Korea, BOOM goes Iran, BOOM goes any fucking bunch of murderous maniacs who have the goddam nerve to lock people up for what they say and to slaughter their own people and invade other nations and engage in ethnic cleansing. That goes for various monkey places in Africa where idiot tribes slaughter other idiot tribes (you are ALL morons, don't you know that) and take turns ripping the labia off women.

PUTIN ON THE FRITZ. That's you, brain-dead to anything that isn't evil.

The real riot is that you are a cowardly pussy. You're very good poisoning people and committing genocide and pretending you didn't do it and having some pussy-friend speak up for you and lie and say you DIDN'T steal a super bowl ring. Everyone sees through your shit. Dictators do not last forever. One day you'll be touring Moscow heels first. Or, at worst, you'll be considered nothing but a worthless useless forgettable animal like Nikita. Nikita who? John F. Kennedy we remember. Kruschev? Forget about it. You'll only be remembered as a weasel-faced murderer of easy targets, and a jailer of women.

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