Monday, May 18, 2015

Auction: George Harrison Guitar Sold to Member of ISIS

I keed, I keed.

Or do I?

What IS this group called ISIS? It's a bunch of ignorant, suspicious, stupid people who believe in an "invisible friend" and consider various inanimate things "sacred."

In fact, so do the "reasonable" Christians and Jews, who are in awe of "relics" and who build statues and consider scrolls "sacred" and get worked up if plates are used for both meat and dairy. SUPERSTITION.

So an asshole buys a guitar George Harrison hasn't even TOUCHED in 40 years, and pays nearly HALF A MILLION?

As if that guitar will magically play Beatles tunes? Let the owner channel George's spirit from beyond the grave? Or is the jerk who bought it waiting for the miracle of all time...waiting for it to gently weep?

You can bet the person who bought George's guitar for that obscene price turns up a nostril at the people of ISIS or Haiti or Somalia saying, "What a backward, superstitious bunch!"

A fuckin' VEST worn by Jimi Hendrix sells for more than most people make in a year?

Every day, supposedly normal, intelligent, well-adjusted people do such stupid things as wear a cross and kiss it, kneel in a building in front of statues, wear a silly and useless beanie, light candles, and bow toward Mecca while muttering towards the "invisible friend" who can pick out their mumbles amid BILLIONS OF PEOPLE.

Then you have the majority of STUPID people who stick pins in voodoo dolls, kill people for not believing as they do, who put on burkas and habits and other insanely uncomfortable and ridiculous outfits, and who desperately want a chance to kiss a stone or touch a wall or...own Elvis Presley's marriage certificate.

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