Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Blogger killed...and it isn't Zinfuck, Mr. "Freedom to Steal Music"

Sad to say, jerks like Hans Demented and Zinfuck are alive and unwell.

They make sure to hide in their windmills and Nazi bunkers and never give out their real names. Meanwhile they pretend giving away copyrighted music is "free speech," and that they're freedom fighters. Actually, their greedy, selfish philosophy is 'All power to ME, I want NICE COMMENTS, I want to be praised as GOD.'

Meanwhile here's a guy who did use a blog for a better purpose, used his real name...and got hacked to death for it. HE is the hero, not shit heads who think it's their duty to "share" Brian Wilson albums.

So much for protecting "Freedom of Speech" in Bangladouche, the country George Harrison was so concerned about. Then again, very little of the money he raised ever got to the people. Oh well, that's the music biz, and a good excuse for jerks like fat-ass Hans to make things even worse.

One album that Hans and his shower buddies haven't given away is by William Shatner, and called 'Has Been.' See, these peasants only give away easy, stupid shit like Beach Boys albums and Dan Fogelfuck and a discography of Jethro Tull. Mindless garbage people sleep to, eat to, or get drugged into uselessness with.

On Shatner's album, he raps 'I Can't Get Behind That,' and points at the religious nuts who say "do as I do, believe what I believe in...OR I'LL KILL YOU."

Yes, even "Captain Kirk" has a down to Earth reality in pointing out what religious fanatics are doing now. They aren't sitting in a windmill listening to pulpy easy-listening "zunset" music, or sitting around drooling over how many times somebody says "We are unworthy, you are GOD, thank you, Zinny" in a shoutbox, because somebody now has the John Fogerty albums he was too cheap to buy.

No, Fogerty aint the FORTUNATE SON. He ain't no FORTUNATE...no FORTUNATE...He ain't no ahhhh FORTUNATE SON...

And neither is THIS guy.

It's always the thinkers, the creative people who end up ripped off or hacked to pieces. It's the creeps like Hans and Zinfuck that go on and on, and all the bullies who get together in a wolf pack to push their dog shit beliefs.

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