Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Charlotte Ruse - another ploy to make The Royals ADORABLE

What shit: a baby being changed and a photo op with The Queen, who hasn't anything better to do.

The WHOLE WORLD is supposed to care.

Really? This is supposed to give hope to white people, or something?

"Don't worry about the Arabs with their hummus complexions, or the Latinos, or the procreating blacks...the useless line to the throne will remain white, thanks to fabulous Kate and William! There will ALWAYS be an England!"

Ha ha ho ho hee hee.

By the time Charlotte is wetting her knickers over bad rock music, England's demographic will be a whole 'nother color. Anyone want to take bets on how long it'll be before the Pakis and blackies oust more and more white elected officials? But that's a GOOD thing. You know, cue the Bowie song. Ch-ch-ch-CHANGES. So while the Royals fake changing diapers, and Cameron cheerfully welcomes more un-assimilating immigrants, you have to wonder what fairy tale world THEY are living in.

Kate and William, SURELY you want dozens upon thousands upon millions of dark playmates for lovely Charlotte? Cameron, DO NOT let this opportunity slip by. The Huffy-Puffs are whining and mewling about 38 million DISPLACED people from such lovely places as Syria and Nigeria and they need homes. BRITISH HOMES? Don't let America have all the fun. Zsa Zsa Huffington will surely be happy if you take at least HALF. You won't disappoint these immigrants now, will you, Cameron? I thought not. The white man's burden? Not at all. The white man's obligation!

There's plenty of room, food, water, and jobs for all.

The Huffy-Puffs have drawn a chart. Oh, take a MILLION Pakis from the green circle, two MILLION Columbians (they sure know how to grow one crop) from the red circle, and at least THREE million Syrians from the orange circle...and in no time at all every village and city in England will be SO COLORFUL!!!!

Don't forget Somalia, Nigeria, Turkey and Iraq...all places well known for peaceful fellows who get along with EVERYONE. And, with a nod to Kipling, DEFINITELY don't forget a million Sudanese, at least. Here's to you, Fuzzy Wuzzy, in your home in the Sudan. You'll enjoy the towns in England, you're a FIRST CLASS FIGHTING MAN!"

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