Monday, May 11, 2015

"Don't Ride!" Naked Ad vs Autistic Brat

Well, well, the PC police, the "world of outrage" and the denial of common sense have all been in evidence the past few days...on MASS TRANSIT.

We're supposed to stop with our gas-guzzling cars, and ride MASS TRANSIT, which is full of the MASSES. The MASSES are disgusting assholes, often dangerous too.

But when a bus company offers a discount to make riding more appealing, they get ABUSED. And when an airline tries to make sure their customers have a comfortable quiet ride, they get ABUSED.

My British blogger friend points up the insanity of a "Ride Me" at a bargain rate ad leading to protests. The bus company in Wales instantly pulled every ad, regardless of expense. Right, while Viley Virus and Kim Kuntrashian cheapen feminism and get applause, a simply, cheeky ad is derided.

Across the gradually fish-less pond, a noisy unpredictable AUTISTIC child was asked to leave a plane...after her own mother warned she might "scratch" and act up if she didn't get her way!

Let's remember ADAM LANZA. He's the AUTISTIC teen who killed his mother and rampaged through a school, murdering about two dozen young kids and teachers.

Fear of autism? Damn right. Depending on the severity, an autistic kid may not know right from wrong, have no emotion, and become violent. Consider the damage a 10 pound angry cat can do. Now 100 pounds of angry brat.

Will the airline get hit with a lawsuit? Will this publicity encourage idiots with their autistic brats to tyrannize mass transit and foist their problems on all of us? The story was slanted as if there's unfair discrimination against autistic people. What next, ask that ankle bracelets be removed from sex offenders? After all, they just have a mental screw loose and are just like everyone else.

Reporters managed to find one woman on the plane who came out in favor of what the pilot did.

Good enough for ME. The kid was HOWLING.

What a slanted story. Dig that last line, about the family being "unceremoniously removed from the airplane." What, they wanted a ceremony? Lighted candles? What if they were Muslim; should the stewardess have washed their feet? How about, "You're creating a disturbance, a potential hazard, and we're escorting you OFF our PLANE."

FACT: the bitch parent, "Dr. Beegle," was demanding special favors because the kid was out of control. The kid was throwing a tantrum over her dinner, and "Dr. Beegle" demanded that she be allowed to buy a "first class passenger" gourmet meal for this kid, because otherwise...THE KID WAS GOING TO DO SOMETHING.

Discrimination is when you're just like everybody else, but you're denied rights or services because of your race, religion or sexuality. I'm sure there were blacks, Latinos, gays, Jews, Muslims etc. on that plane. NON were HOWLING. None were asking for special favors because otherwise there might be TROUBLE.

"Dr. Beegle" didn't say, "Hey folks, my kid will quiet down if I feed her." Or, "I'll take responsibility." She already was showing incompetence by letting this kid HOWL. Now she was telling everyone this kid could get OUT OF CONTROL.

So the pilot figured, enough with this shit. Let's land the plane. No howling. No potential scratching or violence. No situation where this fucking kid, who is not 5, but 15, might break free from her parents and do a lot of damage. She could climb over the seats and attack somebody in front of back. She could just keep HOWLING through the entire fucking flight.

Didn't the pilot do the right thing?

Naturally the BITCH MAMA, "Dr. Beegle," is declaring that this is "fear of autism," and discrimination.

As a matter of fact, bitch mama cunt twat obnoxious shit, IT IS.

We SHOULD have "fear of autism" after ADAM LANZA murdered ALL THOSE KIDS.

We SHOULD have "discrimination" against EVERY ASSHOLE that disturbs others. Why the hell should we pay to listen to some loudmouth in a movie theater, or a restaurant. I don't care if it's a brat, a retard, a nigga...if you can't control yourself among others, FUCK OFF.

Assimilate. If your "culture" is being loud in a movie theater and using a laser pointer or shouting wisecracks, STAY HOME. If you've got a brat or a retard or a senile nutjob who can't stop talking, don't burden US. We have our own fucking problems.

Doesn't anyone understand the difference anymore between public and private? Can't anyone just exercise some SELF-CONTROL in public?

The rest of the fucking story is hardly worth reading, but on this "fair and balanced" blog, you get both sides.

Let's remember that this was a decision made under stress, by a professional pilot, and upon the advice of personnel. After the fact we see "cute" pix of the kid, and we get "Dr. Beegle" explaining that the kid couldn't actually scratch or be violent because she was in the middle seat. Uh, then why TELL EVERYONE the kid better be fed or else? And why didn't she guarantee her defective brat would stop HOWLING?

I think airlines should prohibit BABIES and CHILDREN from being anywhere but in the last few seats of the plane where they can do minimum damage. Why is the noisy brat and the screaming baby always right in the middle of the plane where everybody can hear and suffer?

So MASS TRANSIT continues to be ASS TRANSIT. It's just about putting asses in seats and letting people be noisy and smelly and obnoxious. It's not FUN. And in Wales, a funny, borderline-tasteless ad gets a ton of abuse from people who don't ride the bus. Nobody wrote, "I already ride the bus, and I know about the bargain rate." No sense of humor. The complainers were probably autistic.

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