Wednesday, April 20, 2016

SNL Controversy is a Boon to Boone

FOX NEWS (owned by Rupert Merde-Ox) just ran an old Pat Boone interview on its website. Why? To take advantage of Pat being in the news for grumbling over an SNL sketch.

And yes, as you see far too often, the interviewer is a Millennial dummy who has an irritating voice, doesn't know how to ask questions, and got hired to appeal to an audience of young stupid fools and a few leches who are fascinated by any bint with make-up on.

As I've mentioned, I haven't seen the SNL sketch. Why they'd want to parody a movie almost nobody ever heard of, which isn't playing anywhere, I have no idea. But obviously there's a bigger picture here.

The Christians in general, and Boone in particular, are on the defensive not because of a parody but because the big religion people respect now is ISLAM. Make fun of ISLAM an you die. Make fun of Jesus and it's ok (well, "Life of Brian" was a sore spot, but in general, a funny drawing of Jesus gets a chuckle on social media whereas a funny picture of a Muslim gets death threats).

Ultimately all this hoo-hah has done, is alert people that Pat Boone is still alive.

Yes, Pat Boone IS a living dashboard statue for Christian living. He's the first to say that he's done very well for himself, as if Jesus has been looking out for him. He'll say it's his clean living and his faith in God that's helped him stay healthy (he still plays tennis) and kept his marriage going for over 60 years.

He points proudly to an almost supernatural achievement: remaining on the charts every week for four solid years, something Elvis didn't do, nor the Beatles. (Why God chose to keep him OFF the charts for the past 40 years, even Billy Graham couldn't say).

Boone will even praise the Lord for letting his grandson fall 40 feet through a skylight of a building and nearly die: "Today Ryan is fun to be with," he says, dismissing some limitations of mental and physical health, and the torment and struggle of years of rehabilitation. But why the fuck would God toss Pat Boone's grandson 40 feet? Sounds a little tutti-frutti, doesn't it?

"If you believe in a God that cares about you, that can change things, then it's a lot easier to go through trials and tribulations...all will suffer. That's just a grandson was hurt badly...the doctor said he won't live another week...we clung to our faith..."

Boone is an IDIOT? That's Gersh Kuntzman's term in the Daily News the other day. Then you'd have to call The Pope an IDIOT, too. And millions of other Christians who have beliefs just as odd as Muslims or Orthodox Jews.

The SNL sketch now has Boone refining his complaint, and now declaring even gays should be offended:

“If I were in the homosexual community...I would be just as irate at being presented fallaciously and ridiculously as the militant homosexuals are in there parody because they are demanding things that would embarrass any responsible homosexual, and I know quite a few. They would not like to be presented as being so idiotic as trying to prove in court that God is gay. That presents them in a horrible light and very bigoted light.”

Boone then goes into a more typical self-righteous rant. SNL does not "care what Christians think. Their audience is basically the young kind of soulless young population that are just brought up unfortunately in school and in society to just be cynical about everything and to just make fun of everything and lampoon everything.”

Well, yeah. What's wrong with that? Why should someone's religious beliefs be treated with awe? Why shouldn't people find it hilarious that others wear ridiculous outfits, go through ridiculous rituals, and even make themselves miserable for no reason? Pat, remember when you couldn't eat meat on Friday? Remember when priests said masturbation was a sin...while they were fucking young boys? Why not make fun of the Westboro Baptist Church fanatics who think God kills soldiers in retaliation for homos being allowed to live in peace?

Where Boone may have a point is in the easy way Christians and Jews are lampooned while MUSLIMS aren't. Because MUSLIMS will blow you up if you do.

Still, there's a very thin line between a righteous guy like Pat Boone, who thinks he's humble and respectful of other viewspoints, and a guy like Pat Boone who actuall made this threatening statement:

“You can mess around with Christians and Christianity but when you start calling God names, God and the Holy Spirit are one and blasphemy is the unforgivable sin.”

No, blasphemy is NOT an unforgivable sin, and if you think so, then you condone what Isis does, Pat.

That still doesn't make him an IDIOT. It makes him intolerant, foolish, and taking himself way too seriously. This is what most religious fanatics do: they take themselves seriously as defenders of God. Can't God defend Himself by striking heathens down dead?

Of course Boone is very, very happy that his nonsensical complaint about an edgy, iconoclastic late night TV show has gotten so much attention. It's publicity for his movie, which is the anti-Bill Maher. Maher offered a documentary on how religion is "Religulous." This one?

“It’s only theme is to present the concept that God is alive, God is real."

Really? Isn't this "God is alive" stuff actually a direct response to Muslim shit? The crazier Muslims get, the crazier Christians get. The more that Muslims insist their religion is the only one, the more likely that secular Christians (and Jews) will feel threatened, even to the point of going back to church and synagogue. New Yorkers who never bothered going to Broadway shows, or visiting tourist attractions, did so after 9/11.

Muslims are demanding everyone respect their bizarre practices and customs: wear a burqa with impunity, don't go through a metal detector, demand special seating on airplanes, forbid anyone from joking about Mohamed, and accept that violence is the answer and innocent people will get blown up if Muslims don't always get their way."

While The Pope is doing his best to ignore this, other Christians are getting pretty hysterical about insisting THEIR guy Jesus is the real deal, and anyone joking about fundamental Christian views had better shut the fuck up.

Fortunately, SNL is not going to back off doing what they do. Neither is Bill Maher. And hopefully Boone is not going to suggest that there be some Jesus-freak fatwa on them. THAT would be going too far. (And nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition...")

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