Sunday, April 10, 2016

Gigi Hadid Did a Doody and the London Daily Fail Cheers

Yes, the Muzzie ass-lickers are at it again. They seem to run a piece on GIGI HADID every DIDDY DAMN DAY.

Daddy Hadid (P. Hadiddy) seems to bribe them with a ton of money, or maybe threats of suicide bombers invading their offices, so his disgusting spawn can be called a "supermodel."

What an ABOMINATION. Hadid is Bardot? NO NO NO NO NO.

If the Daily FAIL keeps saying this bitch is beautiful, it must be true. But it is NOT.

"GIGI" Hadid is nothing but a slut, an Arab hemorrhoid sliced off the butt of a goat, a social-climbing sand nigger. In other words, A Muslim Twat. In more words, a shit-caked tramp and Malik-cocksucker that we're supposed to think is some tanned, classy beauty.

It's bad enough when the corrupt, blind faggots at the FAIL insist on praising the "ample assets" of pig Kardashians and Jenners, and half-breed monsters like Icky Minaj and Hamber Rose. But to build up Muzzie mongrels like Hadid is too disgusting for words.

Bardot was all natural. She wasn't invented by well-paid plastic surgeons and make-up artists trying to turn a camel's hump into a "sex kitten." Some arrogant Arab bitch tells her rich daddy that she wants to be an international STAR, so he BUYS IT FOR HER. The FAIL should be embarrassed.

Why the fuck is this dumb, brain-dead clod-cunt "flying in" for the MTV awards? WHO is she? Just another rich bitch we're supposed to bow down to? Like, who the fuck was Dopey Fayad? Just a Muzzie slimeball with enough money to tempt a craven, buzzard-nosed slut who couldn't keep her hands off stable hands and chauffeurs?

Unbelievable, soiling the good name of Brigitte Bardot by comparing her to a talentless greasy media whore dumbass. How pathetic it is that nobodies like the Jenners, or THIS monster, can be so successfully foisted on the public.

LAST century, people trying to BUY their way to fame were laughed at. This included idiotic Dora Hall whose husband owned a paper cup company. He BOUGHT her TV specials and loaded them with stars, and even BOUGHT her a record deal. Too bad the people said, "Who the HELL is Dora Hall?" Another failure was Peter Lemongello, who turned up via infomercials on TV. Go buy the 2-lp set from this great new entertainer, the next Jack Jones. Why? Because the Mafia, or whoever, put up the money to finance him and push him? FUCK YOU, Jello-brain.

But now? People are told, "Here, these are Jenner's spoiled brats. They are now superstars. Worship them. Admire their clothes. Watch them on TV." And people do. People are told, "Gigi Hadid is a superstar model." So there she is, handed clothing by craven "designers" eager to get their crap into Harrod's or whatever stores Arab own in England now. She's thudding down the runway with the rest of the zombies.

Bardot stunned the world by making movies. By displaying talent in drama and comedy and even singing. She was in magazines because she was an authentic original beauty, not because her creepy father was a millionaire scuzz. Maybe some of the trolls of the world will start scapegoating the fucking Muslims for a change. As in: "The Muslims own everything. The Muslims can buy stardom for their brats. The Muslims can connive their deals and control the banks and run show business and everything else. The Muslims even took over horse racing by pushing millions of dollars to buy the repulsively named AMERICAN PHAROAH who won the triple crown."

And most of all, The Muslims can terrorize the entire world and get away with it.

Ah, but it's easier for Roger Waters and his buddies to pick on a different religion, one full of people NOT known to create terror cells and blow up people everywhere from London to Spain to New York to California. He calls for a boycott on a people that DON'T create genocidal racist; hate groups called Hamas or Hezbollah.

Nevermind. Let's all praise the Palesteeeeenian bitch Hadid. Let's watch her strut around at parties with the Jenner brats, and date the creepy Paki lunatic Inzayn Malik. Let's watch as white girls lose their lives to Paki white slaver punks. Let's rave about what Arab brain-washing billionaires say to rave about, like ordinary stupid bints nicknamed GIGI.

Mohamed Anwar Hadid is a Palesteeeeeenian who owns a ton of real estate in Beverly Hills. Think Donald Trump with camel breath and the arrogance of a religious fanatic decadent sheik. Somehow, people have the idea Jews own all the real estate, but TRUMP is not a Jewish name and neither is HADID.

People are afraid of this odious, ominous asshole as they are of all the nasty perverted Saudi slimeballs that infest Beverly Hills, raping white women and then spitting at the police as they board a plane back to the Middle East. People are afraid Diddy might drop a fatwa or two. Who knows what this guy's bodyguards do, or how many are with Hamas. As for his rotten daughter, she's probably lethal as well...lick her stinky Arab twat and you might die of botulism.

Bardot? Anyone who says this bitch is another Bardot should suck on a lit stick of dynamite. Allah-KABOOM.

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