Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Yeah, what else is new.

STEVEN SEAGAL is an asshole?

For some bizarre reason (maybe because Jim Belushi didn't have the nerve to try to be an action hero) ugly fat stupid-looking piece-of-shit Steven Seagal made a load of money off garbage movies nobody with a brain would want to see.

Like most "action hero" assholes, he's a gun-loving pig, but unlike most of that shit-for-brains lot, he's no patriot.

Most "action hero" guys are Republican conservatives who know their fan-base is flag-waving rednecks who love America, and think America stands for: Action movie. BEER. GUNS. Super Bowl. Same action movie on DVD over and over while drinking more beer, shooting off guns and waiting for the next Super Bowl.

But somehow, Big Fat Greasy Stevie isn't like Arnold or "The Rock" and rather than pledge allegiance to the country that made him a multi-millionaire, this dickhead is quivering to plant a kiss on the skinny mouth of Vlad Putin. Stevie maybe wants to suck his pointy nose after that, and work his way down to Vlad's bony Russian dick.

Big Fat Greasy Stevie seems attracted to the Commie-Nazi mentality of Putin and other bullies, as part of "action hero" is to have little regard for others, and kill and destroy what is in your way. So he's been sniffing butt over in Russia. The evil stink in the land of the pogrom and the KGB must put a tingle in Seagal's shrinking steroid-tiny testicles.

Steven Seagal wants to somehow promote Russia because...oh, right, Russia doesn't have a conscience, has a reputation for being rotten, and even jails chick rock singers (and Steven is most clearly a latent homosexual.)

Putin and Russia are feared, which is something Seagal finds attractive. Seagal is revered as a famous star and THAT attracts Putin.

Putin can steal our movies, but he can't create stars. Russia's movies are shit. So he uses things like the bullying of Pussy Riot as a pussy magnet for cunts like Steven Seagal. The power of fame and the power of the tyrant swirl together like shit in a flushing toilet.

Remember, as much of a world leader as Putin is, he's UNKNOWN compared to Steven Seagal. Show pictures of the two of them to a thousand people around the world. What would happen: "Oh, that's the film guy, Steven Seagal. And that's...I don't know, the "Bird Boy" from the Freak show? Some nerd at a Dr. Who convention? Don't know who he is."

So here we have the typical scene of a MOVIE STAR getting more time with Putin than most any leader of any nation can.

It's when I see a porcine butt-ox injected face like Steven Seagal, complete with die job, a guy busting out of his clothing not because he's got muscles but because he's got the hots for a scrawny corpse-like weasel named Putin....when I see this, I think...there hasn't been ENOUGH copyright infringement.

At least, not enough free downloads of Seagal's crappy movies...enough so that he begins to understand what Capitalism is all about, and how dangerous it is to deal with ruthless Commie scum who trample on all rights (including copyright).

Steven is lucky that his knuckle-dragging beer-guzzling redneck motherfucker moron fans are too fucking DUMB to know how to use a computer and download. So they shoplift his DVD shit out of Wal-Mart and Costco. YEEE HA.

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