Monday, June 24, 2013

Low Class Fat Slob Gov. Chris Christie Should Fly At Half Mast

What do these three have in common?

Yes...the American Flag went to half mast in New Jersey for all of them.

Billy Joel sang about the "New York State of Mind." His lyrics were about the places he loves.

What's the "New Jersey State of Mind?" Drunk and disorderly. The lyrics would be curse words.

Crisco Christie has been to hundreds of Brooose concerts and his idol STILL thinks he's a fat turd! Broose won't validate this blowhard with front row freebies and a photo op. Brooose wouldn't denigrate the American flag by cutting it to half mast just because somebody from New Jersey died.

In the tri-state area, where Jersey is the most trying and embarrassing state of 'em all, most have been disgusted by Christie's latest flag descecration...which follows his peculiar orders after Whitney Houston died, and Clarence Clemons. As if those are the ONLY celebrities born in New Jersey who have died since Fatboy became the governor.

It does take a lot to humiliate a state that has endured the joke of "Snooki" and "The Situation" and a bunch of total assholes showing how ugly, stupid, petty, dopey, classless and just plain shit-headed people from Jersey can be. Even CRISCO CHRISTIE refused to have a photo op with ugly little whore-of-the-shore Snooki because that stupid "Jersey Shore" MTV reality show was such kick in the groin to however many decent, normal-talking people live in the garden state.

The simple fact about flag waving, and flag lowering, is that it generally involves heroism. It's an honor reserved for soldiers and statesmen who have made a difference involving life and death. It's for great people who served their country without a script.

Some fucking actor dies. Some fucking singer overdoses. Somebody who played sax to give Broooose a shot of soul...these people were rewarded with fame beyond their wildest dreams, money almost beyond the capacity to spend it, and NO...lowering the flag is NOT needed, and it's an insult to the true heroes of this nation.

FUCK you CRISCO CHRISTIE. In the United SANE States of America, we don't lower the flags for dumbass singers who sound like car alarms and have influenced nothing but the sales of aspirin and the bad auditions of karaoke fart-heads on American Idol. We don't even lower them for teachers or doctors who "merely" guided hundreds and hundreds of school kids into adulthood or kept a neighborhood strong and healthy. We don't do it for gun violence victims who died because their government and their fat ass governor refused to pass laws that could have protected them

We don't lower the flags because God chose to end some actor's run of performances. You believe in God, fat slob Crisco? Then believe God said it was time for Gandolfini to GO, and keep the fucking flag where it belongs. Have some fucking perspective, even if the top of your head is so far, far, far away from the rest of your disgusting body. Gandolfini was not major competition for Ernest Borgnine, Jackie Gleason, or any great star who played an everyman character, and this guy played a fucking gangster and that's all he was known for. Houston's achievement was to destro-oooo-ahhh-ooooo-ohhhhh balla-uh--ahh-ahh-ahh-oh-oooh-oooh-aaaahds with show-off vowels that actually distracted from the lyrics. Clemons the "Big Man" played sax, and so could a thousand black guys who at this very moment are stationed in various shitty parts of New Jersey with a paper cup asking for a quarter.

New Jersey is half-assed with the half mast bullshit. The state of New Jersey continues to find an unhealthy pride in its reputation for stupidity and gangsterism...and having an arrogant fat slob for a leader. You know, New Jersey, who died recently and who was a great American? Frank Lautenberg, soldier and statesman. Hey, he could even pronounce words correctly. In New Jersey you are remembered with greater awe if you can't speak like you've got a brain in your head or you didn't grew up in a garbage can or you don't have a sax jammed into an oriface. What are you teaching the people of New Jersey, Crisco Christie? Bet you'll be waving the flag on July 15th...for the return to stores of Hostess Twinkies. You fat fucking disgrace.

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