Sunday, June 16, 2013


It's been a KKK weekend, hasn't it?

The news has been ALL ABOUT KANYE and KIM. Oh. And KICKASS.

KANYE'S NEW ALBUM arrived along with A NEW DAUGHTER.

This was FRONT PAGE news on almost every American tabloid. Aside from sane papers such as the New York Times, THIS shit was what America wanted to know about. So...

The way things are going, KANYE WEST and KIM KARDASHIAN will run for President and Vice President by 2024 and WIN.

Why not? He's successful. She's BEAUTIFUL. They represent what America is all, greed, stupidity, porn, attitude and selfishness.

In another eight years or so, the population of America will be skewed almost totally in their favor. Not too many intelligent people are having kids anymore. They heard of Leonard Cohen, and that lyric line, "I've seen the future and it's MURDER."

So that leaves it to the over-populating pigs. Of which Kanye and Kim are prime pork.

The newspapers, for the past few months, couldn't get enough of pregnant Kim Kardashian photos and she obliged by stripping practically naked so there could even be medical exam shots of her and her precious pot belly.

The newspapers couldn't stop speculating on what greatness would be on Kanye's new of very FEW new releases being offered.

Critics are breathlessly quoting Kanye's brillant lines, like:

"There's leaders, there's followers. I'd rather be a dick than a swallower."

Or his line about "fuck you and your Hampton house, I fucked your Hampton spouse."

See, old Puff Daddy P. Diddy Sean Combs actually LIVES out in the Hamptons and his big deal was to become such a sharp businessman he'd actually have money in the bank, and not be a bankrupt asshole...the fate of various black celebs of the past.

Kanye? An improvement. Which is why he can run for President and win. Look, in a country that took Sarah Palin very, very seriously, his running mate Kim Kardashian would be an ASSet. And all he really has to do is bully and blabber and shout "Nigga" and say "fuck" a lot, and oh, maybe "sample" some raps from JFK to Jay-Z during speeches. Wadda fuck. Promise a chicken in every pot and fiddy cents change.

Hell, this guy hasn't even complained that Internet piracy makes him a slave. A nigga. Somebody who is getting cheated.

No, he's making so much money, he's so IN DA BLACK, that it's ok if KICKASS and the rest whup some of his spare change away from him.

For you keeping score, KAT.PH, cyberhome of KICKASS, changed to KICKASS.TO

The BUZZ about how Kanye's album was "on the Internet, free..." was most certainly a happy shout-out to the homeys at KICKASS, who have easily surpassed Demonoid and become the go-to torrent for most everyone's FREE NEEDS. Is there really anyone under 50 who doesn't know how to get that leaked Kanye album free? Oh, maybe a few niggas in the actual ghetto (not the Hamptons) who don't yet know how to work a computer and have to do the old-school thing of buying bootleg CD-Rs off somebody on the sidewalk. But mostly...

Mostly everyone knows that KICKASS is going to be only a click away, and never shut down for more than an hour, no-matta-whut.

KAT.PH went under because some group or other tried to "ruin the fun," by shutting down the PH address? Ha ha ho ho hee hee. KICKASS was well prepared to instantly move to another cyber address, and it didn't take much of a Google to find it.

Get that FREE KANYE WEST download at KICKASS.TO. If that goes down, just go to ZeroPaid or Google for new directions.

Maybe those smart folks at KICKASS can be in Kanye's Kabinet. They can be secretaries of commerce. Or war. Or something.

"Keep going!" "Glad you're back!" "Don't let the bastards win!" "We love you guys!" "Kickass is GOD."

And the guys who run it, like the guys who run ZeroPaid and all the rest of that stuff...they don't make a PENNY. They do it because they like SHARING, and they actually make ALL their money selling t-shirts. Or something.

Nevermind. All's right with the world. The beautiful Kim Kardashian and the brilliant intellectual Kanye West have had their BABY. They will be in every newspaper for months and months to come, so we can see pictures of the baby, pictures of how quickly Kim's fat ass gets fatter, pictures of Kim having waldrobe malfunctions, etc. And we'll have more articles letting us read between the DICK and NIGGA words because anything Kanye West has to say is of vast importance to...the burgeoning population of Kanye and Kim fans. The ones that will hand him the PRESIDENCY by 2024.

Old school was to care about other people. This is the 21st Century. To be successful, you just need to be a DICK. And marry a cunt.

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