Friday, June 7, 2013


Down in San Antonio, they shout "REMEMBER THE ALAMO!"

Especially since it's the main tourist attraction there, and one of the most famous sites in all of Texas. The Alamo is known all over the world because Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie were both killed there, outnumbered by a murderous and merciless Mexican army. John Wayne's movie version is only one of many that tell, blur, fudge or glamorize the legendary "days of glory," which have also been sung by Marty Robbins and so many others.

The other day THE ALAMO got into the news...because of a sex scandal. Well, yeah, since it's a crumbly old building and today's 20-somethings would say "that was before my time, Dude" and prefer to visit someplace with slot machines or nail salons or beat-boxing and karaoke night, it WOULD take some nudie photo news item to get attention!

It turns out that the Alamo is NOT run by any responsible government agency or historical society. Melinda Navarro, an Executive Administrator of the Alamo makes $85,000 for working there…and sexting on a cell phone used "for both personal and Alamo business," according to the San Antonio Express-News. The Alamo is run by some dames who call themselves "Daughters of the Republic of Texas," and their boss is the "Texas General Land Office," not the government! Mrs. Navarro got her sweet $85,000 job after the last lady simply walked away and resigned. Guess $85,000 is chicken feed down in Texas!

All this would remain under a rock except Mrs. Navarro decided to sext nude photos of herself to a man who is NOT her husband. Hubby found out about this, and guess what. He forwarded the pictures to her parents. And to her co-workers at The Alamo. And anyone else he could think of, along with a caustic line about the sex games the "Alamo is paying for." Aw, Mrs. Navarro wasn't pleased. She filed for divorce. Yes, she was sending nude pix to some guy while still married and still living with her husband. It was only after an "argument" that the suspicious Mr. Navarro thought to check her cell phone and discovered her stinky secret.

Sexting dirty fantasies, sexting nude photos, being a sloppy pervert all over Facebook and social media…having waldrobe malfunctions, performing sex acts at St. Patrick's Cathedral or any other landmark…being a slutty moron while representing The Alamo…it's ALL good in this mixed up muddled up Kardashian Amanda Bynes Weiner World. What's the worst thing that could happen to poor Mrs. Navarro? She doesn't seem to be that concerned about having to possibly resign from an $85,000 job. Fuck it. Take more nude photos instead.

Remember The Alamo, a legendary place commemorated in movies and songs and books, where Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie and a hundred others died so that some slut can sext nude photos.

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