Saturday, June 8, 2013


The emptier the skull...the more the need for NOISE.

Can you doubt that a lot of the chaos of the world is a reaction to loud, obnoxious behavior? You walk into a quiet library, you dare not speak. But you walk into a stadium of morons, and you might find yourself shouting and cursing, too.

Noise breeds crudeness, mean and nasty behavior and violence.

Want me to prove it to you in one sentence? What do you say when the dog wakes you up in the middle of the night?


That's what you say. And if the damn dog continues, you get up in a rage and get ready to throw something.

Your whole personality has changed because of noise. Your blood pressure is up. You become noisy yourself, and could easily get violent, whether it's chasing the dog into another room or smacking it with a newspaper. No question is there? The reaction to noise is RAGE!

NOISE ANNOYS. It is bad for your health.



Now this is what can be done about it: INSTALL THE SCHMUCK DETECTOR.

Like so.

Install it for peace, quiet, productivity, and lowering the level of violence in society!

In many parts of our hellish world, a "smoke detector" is mandatory. It's the law. You have to have one of these nuisances installed AND WORKING. This is vital, so that when you cook a soft boiled egg, and a vague hint of steam rises from the pot, THIRTY FEET AWAY the fucking smoke detector in the living room goes WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE until you open all the windows and doors, turn on some fans and juggle ice cubes in the air.

How about every landlord being forced to install AND MAINTAIN the "SCHMUCK DETECTOR," which is set at a specific decibel level?

Go beyond it for more than a few minutes (the sound of a barking dog, an asshole drumming, a jerk playing rap music....) and there's a piercing sound and blinding lights, and an automatic call placed to the POLICE!


Quiet is natural. The normal state of the world, when you walk in a meadow, a forest, or along a stream, is, at the most, calm, ambient noise, like the surf, or the gentle sound of the wind rustling the leaves. It is ABNORMAL when there is NOISE in nature. It is a signal of danger, whether the roar of a lion or the thunder of an approaching storm.

Oh, for Google and Apple and Samsung and the rest of them to take a moment from APPS and manufacturing smart making the SCHMUCK DETECTOR. They should understand the BIG money that could be made if EVERY home had to have a SCHMUCK DETECTOR.

As for those who need to let off steam? Let 'em do it the right way, same as people smoking AWAY from others. In civilized places, smokers can't pollute other peoples' air in a restaurant, at home, or at the office. So why should idiots make excessive noise at home? Let the noisemakers make all the din they want...the right way.

Imagine thriving bars where people GO to throw loud parties rather than have them at home.

Imagine a town's economy where people actually go BACK to bowling alleys and amusement centers and gyms and discos.

Imagine how easily a troubled town's debt could be wiped out at the expense of noisy morons having to pay huge fines!

Come on, this is a GREAT idea. If you don't think so...SHUT THE FUCK UP.

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