Friday, April 8, 2016

Bruce Springsteen goes crusading in toilets

Springsteen has made a career out of raising his fist, raising the conscience of morons, and now, raising toilet seat lids.

With nothing better to rage about, rock's arena-retard just protested NORMALITY IN BATHROOMS.

What do you think? Is a public bathroom a 3-ring circus? Do you want to walk into the men's room and see a few dykes doing their ridiculous parody of masculinity, and pulling on their twats to aim a stream into a urinal?

OK, it might be an interesting spectacle ONCE, but after that? And with puddles of dyke piss all over the floor?

Even more questionable, would you want your mother or sister locked in a ladies room where some guy in a dress is staring at their every move, and leaning close to the stall to hear their every tinkle?

One of the latest battlegrounds for pushy idiots making THEIR needs more important than anyone else's, is the fuckin' BATHROOM! Yes, fags, dykes and all the in-betweenies are bitching and moaning that toilets should no longer be for men only or women only. If you "identify" as female, go hang with the ladies, and watch them fix their make-up and adjust their blouses and skirts.

If you're Shauna Cuntwell, and your shaved twat is starting to leak, and you can't wait for the bitches who take forever to squat and pee...just run into the men's room. You've got guys with their dicks in their hands, and YOU are teasing them by ignoring them and NOT opening your mouth, which is what they'd like.

Why is it there can't be REST in a fuckin' restroom? Isn't it bad enough when some dizzy bitch comes into the men's room because she's escorting some dopey 6 year-old boy who is "too old" to be allowed to stare at all the ladies in the ladies room?

Isn't it ridiculous enough for women to have to deal with some true transgender nutcase who at least looks somewhat female, and no longer has a functioning dick? Why have to worry if some guy in a skirt is a rapist?

Now, the toilet is a battle ground for all kinds of shit.

And there, waving his fist, is the great Brooooose. Brooooose, the phony who has made a career out of boring platitudes. "BORN IN THE USA!" So? Charles Manson was. David Berkowitz the "Son of Sam" was. Richard Fucking Nixon was.

The jerk denies average people in North Carolina a chance to see him swap spit with Little Steven and ponce around doing every rock cliche move in the book, because of what some politicians did? What a DICK. Hey Broooose, how'd you like an Arab to behead your shower buddy Little Steven, and blame it on Obama? Hey Mr. New Jersey Jackass, remember 9/11? A bunch of Muslim slime killed thousands of innocent people and blamed it on politics. And you're no better. You'd be the first to scream that the Syrians and Palesteeeenians deserve to migrate anywhere, because it's not their fault their government sucks. But YOU won't even put on a fucking concert and take millions of dollars, because the hapless jerks in the audience aren't politicians.

PS, you're just a fuckhead entertainer; you have a nerve deciding who you'll perform in front of, based on your own politics. Why EVER perform in the South, asshole? Don't tell me you agree with states that have Republican governors, elected by the majority!

If Broooose thought about it, instead of being a kneejerk media whore, he might see things another way:

"Hmm, do I want my wife alone in the toilet with some burly pervs who put on robes or jumpsuits, just for the fun of listening to her pee, or watching her use the tampon dispenser? She might be creeped out. And I don't like the idea either, know that I've THOUGHT about it."

Broooose isn't waving his fist at ISIS. He's not shouting at Putin. He's not spitting into a microphone about political weasels sheltering millions of dollars and avoiding taxes. He's disappointing a whole bunch of his own fans just to be a reverse racist prick and make fun of North Carolina!

Maybe Brooooose can donate a few million to North Carolina so that every restaurant can build an EXTRA facility for confused fuckheads, pests and pervs to use. How about that? Mens room. Ladies room. Confused Fuckheads and Pests and Pervs Room. That third room is for transgenders, for bitches who want to change their stinking baby's diapers, and for freaks who want to jerk off to the sounds of farts and streaming piss and somebody with a boombox playing Springsteen songs.

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