What could be wrong? Having to see idiotic Hoobastanks posting snapshots posing with their lunch, their candy bars, their stupid friends, or in front of a tourist trap they visited it?
Having to see D-list ex-stars desperately showing photos of how they looked 40 years ago?
Having to see F-list non-stars desperately post a photo and ask their pathetic followers for an opinion? "Hey gang, what do you think about this Bernie Sanders guy? Hey gang, I'm in the market for a new laptop, what should I do?"
Having to see "networking" fuckheads reply to EVERY post so they can put in a link to their stupid vanity website?
Having to deal with sob sisters and wimps and Hansy-pansies constantly saying, "This will be my last post..." (in order to get people to say "don't go, don't go)?
Having to see the same stupid fucking MEMES over and over again?
Having to endure the psychos who troll around for any excuse to say "It's the libtards" or "It's OBAMA" or whatever is up their bug-infested assholes?
Having to read inane screeds about UFO's, see GooTube posts to a dopey rock performance some jerk wants you to see, or witness yet another pathetic fool promote an inept vanity book or CD? A request to "like" something you hate or go donate to some fuckhead's GOFUNDME page?
How about Pester-Kike Suckerberg's constant ads?
Whenever there's a "freeeeee" site, from Paypal to Farcebook, it doesn't stay that way long does it? No, it festers with banner ads, hot links, come-ons and CRAP.
This Suckerberg schmuck is worth HOW many BILLION? So he has to be a Kike Greedhead? Nice one, Marky-Mark, Jews aren't stereotyped enough as cheap bastards who own everything. You're one of the few Jews who actually does own anything anymore, and you have to be a Pester-Kike.
As in pushing a "sponsored" Farcebook post (ie, a COMMERCIAL) in the middle of the dross that's already killing time and my will to live:
When I try to GET RID OF YOUR Pester-Kike garbage, you have to annoy me some more.
Before I can get on with my rotten day, I have to EXPLAIN to you why I don't like your stupid Pester-Kike ad?
This is like shutting the fucking TV off while an ad is running, and having the TV turn itself back on, with a prompt: "Why didn't you like that ad?"
Followed by ten multiple-choice questions to answer before the TV un-freezes and shuts off again.
All this PESTER-KIKE shit, in order to get THIS:
Thanks, Suckerberg. If I didn't give you FEEDBACK I would never get rid of the Pester-Kike ads you shove in my eye. My reward is coaching you on how to find better ways of annoying me!
But even the Jewiest deli isn't run by a fucking Suckerberg who is such a pushy Kike. Imagine walking into a deli, looking around, and being bombarded with babble: "So how can I help? Just looking? Why just looking? Here's hot dogs! Look at this lean pastrami! You want PIE? I got PIE over here, come look!" You start walking out and you hear: "Hey, what's wrong? I got a nice brisket today! Fresh knish! What is it, you don't like the tables? Why are you walking out? Listen, I'll follow you for the next block asking you more questions! Why did you come in and not buy? I asked you a question! Why did you walk in and walk out again? I have to KNOW!"
No wonder some people get phobic about shopping, and have found that staying home with the Internet and FARCEBOOK even more repulsive.
Yeah, FARCEBOOK is VERY depressing, because it's loaded up with people who obviously have too much time on their hands, and NO IDEA how to make the best use of it.
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