Saturday, June 11, 2016

Rowling In Fairy Land - She LOVES the EU

This J.K. Rowling twat. She's what, the fairy godmother to the world's nerds?

She writes these long-winded Harry Potter books, invents a whole idiot world for people to hide in, invents Quim Itch or whatever the game is, and now she's an expert on politics. She's using all her millions and millions for SUCH good causes, etc.

Jeez, get in the REAL world, lady. Oh, forgot, the REAL world is just a "kerfuffle" to her. Her books are pirated every day on eBay. She doesn't make sure they're removed. She'd rather let some Sri Lankan wogs take money out of her pocket, because she doesn't need it, and they need money to help support ISIS. Or something.

She doesn't get the big picture, that if SHE knocked off these pirates, they might get suspended and stop preying on other authors who can't afford to fight them and might not even be aware that there are bootleggers on lovable eBay.

Rowling would rather spend her time ON TWITTER? It would take her a minute to check eBay at the same time. No. She needs TWITTER to what, take a break from her latest "no, it's NOT a Harry Potter, I'm really another fucking Hemingway" book?

This guy SINGH is a Muzzie, right? Look at that ugly smug mug! What a photo.

He finds one of the many scare-stories to post, because Brexit people aren't thriled with MORE assholes named SINGH coming in.

It's ALL speculation isn't it? People who claim leaving the EU will damage England don't KNOW for a fact. What we DO know for a fact, is that bastard immigrants are flooding in because of the EU, and there are parts of England where only POLISH is spoken, and no-go areas where a woman better wear a burqa OR ELSE, and where a white girl can be kidnapped into Pakistani white slavery.

Sure, Singh speaks English and he's on TWITTER. He's harmless. Jihadi John spoke English and went on the Internet to find out how he could join ISIS, and he did.

After a while, you lose patience. Even if only 5 of the next 500,000 immigrants is a fanatic with a machine gun, that's 5 too many. Who needs it? Let 'em stay where they are and be proud of it, and not turn another country into Little Syria or Little Turkey or Little Poland.

So here comes Rowling, RE-TWEETING what this Singh moron uploaded. She knows this guy? Or she was just looking for anti-Brexit shit to LIKE?

Well, smug wog, and Miss Hairy Potty, here are three words: WORLD TRADE CENTER.

During prosperous times, the WORLD TRADE CENTER was built. It was knocked down by ARAB RELIGIOUS FANATICS.

So you can say "Hey, stay in the EU, and more buildings will go up." But you can also say, "Stay in the EU, and more MUSLIMS will come in and KNOCK THEM ALL DOWN."

Why this desire to destroy the heritage of Great Britain by making it one big fucked up melting pot? Are the citizens already in England feeling more or LESS secure?

Rowling lives in the country somewhere, with bodyguards and surveillance devices making sure NOBODY gets near her. Not everybody has that kind of fucking luxury. Rowling can arrange it so she never sees anybody but well-mannered fawning fans. How lovely for her to have a real fantasy world.

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