Sunday, June 26, 2016

Yes, EVERY Burp and Fart from Fat Slob Adele...

Oh, gosh, gassy Adele burped!

Didn't we all know that eventually EVERY burp and fart from this fat bitch would be news??

She did it right on stage at Gassed & Buried.


From US Weakly. Er, Weekly:

A previous, proud generation loved "Our Gracie," a common lass with class.

Now it's "Our Adele," who burps gas and has a fat ass.

Oh, but this is the lovable coarse fat every-slob who curses, says "suck my dick" and waddles around bellowing horrible heartbreak songs and dropping babies. She's "one of us" say the Grimsby slags, and the bints and bozos and blobs all over the U.K.

All I can say is: Hold back a little, Adele. Don't peak before you get ALL of that $130 million from Sony.

Save some highlights like:

1. Using Miley Cyrus as a thong.

2. For dinner, having a single bean. Mr. Bean.

3. Wetting herself as special guest at next year's Urinevision Contest. (No longer called Eurovision, due to everyone wanting to leave the EU).

4. Showing J.K. Rowling her crotch and demanding a 6 part set of novels about it called "Hairy Pot."

5. Egging Susan Boyle's house. Then eating the house.

6. Protesting against Japan's whaling expeditions...when they invaded her swimming pool.

7. Keeping Tesco open 24 hours by snacking all day and night in there.

8. Shouting to Princess Kate "Got a spare tampon, size SUPER??"

9. Telling Prince Harry: "Love that thick woolly hair of yours. It's just like my pubes!"

10. Farting in front of the Queen. (Protocol, of course, is that you fart AFTER the Queen does.)

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