Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Surprises in Twitsville

Some stupid looking people have shown a glimmer of brain lately.

Today's "entertainment" news includes a reference to rag-headed Little Steven, engaging in a "Twitter War." Really? About what?

It seems he's for Israel! He's against the boycotts and said so. He got flak from antisemites who screamed, "You and Broooose didn't play North Carolina because the bathrooms don't want trannies roaming wild. Why not boycott Jew land, too???"

Little Steven told 'em Israel is one of America's ONLY allies in that area, and FUCK OFF.

Amazing. Then again, his pal Genya Ravan was born Goldie Zelkowitz, and perhaps he has a few other Jewish friends.

Just what's up with Elvis Costello, by the way, is hard to figure. Here's a guy who WORSHIPS Burt Bacharach, who is Jewish, as was Hal David, but he listened to Roger Waters and pulled a date he was going to play in Israel.

Meanwhile, the question of whether or not to play Israel is really of little concern at the moment. First off, how many concerts can they have there? And isn't this a REALLY REALLY hot and horrible time of the year to be in the Middle East? Even with air conditioning?

The big question isn't whether to leave for Israel, but whether to leave the EU.

Quite a lot of Britters are quitters on Twitter. They don't want to antagonize fans on either side, and so they are quiet. Who knows what Gooker really thinks? Does he think? We don't know the views of most British rockers, famous or has-beens.

But, between famous and has-been there's THIS guy. And (drum roll, Mr. Dung) he's for LEAVING. Or, if challenged, will be claim somebody hijacked his Farcebook account??

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