Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Suck Cox and Ignore The Poor, Disabled and, yes, Crazy

Mr. Cox knows Mr. Warhol. The 15 minutes of fame? You can stretch it to 15 hours. To 15 days. But the clock IS ticking.

Get the attention, the donations, and if you have political aspirations, make your face familiar to your district with constant interviews before the Great British Public gets BORED.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, it's not all that easy to make a permanent martyr out of an indifferent looking woman who was in office a short time. Human nature dictates: "Find something else to moan about." What if Blac Chyna (monkey wife of retarded Rob Kardashian) has a miscarriage? BOOM, the not very charismatic Mr. Cox is OFF the front page.

For now...and what timing...the birthday tributes roll in, all accentuating BREMAIN.



That's not a zulu chant. That's HUG a MUZZIE.

All over the UK, middle-class whites who follow Prince William and Kate and their spawn RELIGIOUSLY, will have a new religion today: HUG A MUZZIE.

Today, they will patronize (in EVERY sense of the word) every shop owned by somebody COLORED. Are you Hindu? That'll do. But a Muslim is preferred.

The whites will come in and buy the hummus, or say "My God, you make the BEST FISH AND CHIPS," or cast a meaningful eye at the maid and say, "If it wasn't for people like YOU washing the dishes and wiping the baby's ass, I don't know WHAT I'd do."


Then there's that feel-good line about 42 flowers being carried by people of different faiths.

The lucky 42 "from different faiths" will be getting the chance to mince around in front of the camera, but many more will hope to get their picture in the Daily Fail as they pile tons of flowers on a chosen Mouth Watering COX site.

But more important, they will go out of their way to show they are the exact OPPOSITE of that crackpot white guy. They welcome immigrants. MORE MORE MORE. They like the odds that only a few Muslims might blow up a bus or an underground station. And that not every Muslim born in the U.K. becomes a Jihadi John and joins Isis and beheads white people.

Interesting, isn't it, that Jo Cox will be remembered by 42 people of "different faiths." You can bet that this will involve passive religious fanatics wearing their idiotic beanies, their bizarre cloaks, and their foolish pendants.

The 42 people will NOT necessarily include the kind of people the assassin seemed to be concerned about: ordinary aging Brits with no benefits, loners like himself marginalized by society in favor of immigrants, or the disabled who are being treated as if nobody cares if they live or die.

None of those types will be asked to feel better about themselves by showing that they put aside their heartache and stand against violence.

And the white people who have switched over to the Bremain side?

What they won't do is visit a NO-GO zone where Muslims are in control. They won't try to reach out to hostile Muslims who don't want or need sympathy from a lily-white pasty-faced UK faggot or some bint who should be beheaded for not wearing a burqa.


What they WON'T DO is visit a slummy white district where the British-born poor are locked in poverty and have politicians more concerned with what the EU wants and what immigrants want.

What they WON'T DO is go to some mental ward where sad white sods sit and stare or cry silently, and are lonely, and have nobody to bring them flowers, and feel much more understood than religious fanatics who have a sense of entitlement.

What they WON'T DO is walk into the offices of right wing and skinhead extremists and say, "We forgive you, not ALL of YOU go around stabbing and shooting politicians."

What they WON'T DO is walk into a NHS office and demand that they stop giving a hard time to the disabled, or expect wheelchair-bound people to jump through hoops.

What they WON'T DO is reach out to someone white, old or disabled who might need help with a bundle of groceries.



Today's "feel good" day for mourning and mooning and moping and meandering around to smile and support colored people. Which would be fine, if the hypocrites doing it didn't realize how stereotypical THEY are. They are exclusionary. They are buying into stereotypes. They are turning their backs on their own, and refusing to reach out and educate the extremists of their own color.

THEY don't say that the moron who killed Jo Cox was a minority among the right wing. THEY aren't concerned about preventing others like him from being violent, or acknowledging that violence IS the choice of any people whose voices aren't heard and whose problems are not addressed.

In America, the 49 faggots killed by bi-sexual Muslim wacko Omar Mateen mean next to nothing. The families grieve alone. That's 49 Jo Cox victims NOT getting attention. Very few of the victims' family members have had even 20 seconds if air time, compared to Mr. Cox.

Isn't that reverse discrimination?

The stories when the killer is Muslim, is about HIM, as if he's the victim! People want to feel sorry for him, and understand him, and somehow find a spin to dismiss what he did.

That spin, by the way, is, "Don't blame it on him being an Arab, or that line about him declaring allegiance to ISIS. He was a self-hating gay who had pretend marriages, beat up women, and ultimately flipped because he liked Puerto Rican guys and if he killed them he was killing the inner fag in himself. Oh, and one gay guy insists Omar had just discovered a Puerto Rican he'd been having sex with was HIV positive.

The nut who killed Jo Cox? Nobody wants to know anything more about him. He's an open book: a right wing crazy. Yet, if it was a Muslim who had killed a pro-Brexit politician? The pro-Brexit politician would be dead and buried and ALL the attention would be on making excuses for the Muslim. This would include the Muzzie's Dad or Mum or Wife being on TV even more often than Mr. Cox, telling the world that the murderer was nice but misguided. That it's a total surprise he became violent.

No relatives or neighbors of the psycho killer are getting the coverage Mr. Cox is getting, and that would be fine, except if the psycho killer is Muslim, those people DO get all the coverage to make excuses.

It's all in the timing. Jo Cox's district may one day become a no-go zone, as Brexit is defeated and Merkel dictates another 500,000 Muslims pile into the UK and set up where Jo lived, or in London where the Muslim mayor is dictating that sexy girls shouldn't be on billboards.

And lastly? Aside from timing, let's remember that MONEY MAKES THE WORLD GO AROUND.

Meaning, that worrying about losing your life or losing your culture to invading immigrants, are minor worries when the opposition is screaming YOU MIGHT LOSE INCOME!

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