Sunday, April 3, 2016

Air France Quivers - French Go Cowardly Again Fearing MUSLIMS and IRAN

A while ago, Hollande was declaring France was "at war," and giving a speech about the depicable attack in Paris. Now? Oops. Let's NOT get the Muzzies TOO upset! Oui?

France is groveling to Iran? Really?

Where's Hollande, to declare his country's airline doesn't grovel to obnoxious relligious fanatics?

Why doesn't France grow a pair, and say, "We are NOT flying to your backward, Camel-dung country if you can't recognize this is the 21st Century."

These stewardesses are not in IRAN, they're in an AIRPORT and that's INTERNATIONAL. If Iran can't accept it, FUCK 'EM.

It was at the start of the 20th Century, 1905, that France separated church and state. But ooh, let's not upset the crazy fucking Iranians, who are going to get nuclear weapons soon and blow up the world. Anyone remember the Ayatollah and his fatwa against Salman Rushdie? Oh, this IS a sane country that we ALL want to trade with.

"Hello Iran, how many Roger Waters CDs do you need?"

Rightly, the head of the union for the French stewardesses is calling the new ruling from Cowardly Air France a piece of stinky cheese:

“It is not our role to pass judgment on the wearing of headscarves or veils in Iran. What we are denouncing is that it is being made compulsory,” declared Flore Arrighi on behalf of the union. “Stewardesses must be given the right to refuse these flights.”

Most SANE religions recognize that non-believers have rights. If you want to observe Midnight Mass, if you want to see what a Jewish service is all about, you don't have to put on a crucifix or a yarmulke. Just show up. You can even wear a burqa or a clown outfit.

But the holier-than-thou Muslim assholes see that if they blow shit up, and throw temper tantrums, and rave about Allah-kazam, they get what they want. President O'Bummer even crumbled like chocolate halvah and decided to do business with Iran again.

Why the fuck should proud French women have to put on ridiculous Muslim Halloween outfits? Should they also speak Arabic? Maybe they should suck Arab cock while in Iran, too, huh? Get their clits cut off.

Why is it Arab bitches don't take off their burqas when they arrive in France? Or England? Why is it Arabs completely ignore the customs of every country they visit? Oh, right, because THEY insist somebody who lived a few hundred years ago is the magical Allah-Kazam, The Great Muhammad. So everybody has to believe it. Don't believe in Moses, Jesus, Buddha, L. Ron Hubbard or any of the others. Fuck SCIENCE which tells you this rock we're on once had DINOSAURS, and that species evolved and didn't magically appear in 6 days by Disney the God.

How can anyone believe in God. If there was a God, why the fuck would he create a complicated thing like the human body? Something that shits? Something that has a SPLEEN? Wouldn't God simply create magical creatures like Disney, that fly, and dance and sing and are stuffed animals? Fish, birds and mammals are obviously creatures of evolution, not designed by some Allah-kazam. A real God would say, "Hey, you guys can live on any planet. You don't have to breathe oxygen. You don't have to eat food. You are all MAGIC. I can animate you like Gepetto brought Pinocchio to life!"

Look at this fucking luancy. A bunch of Arabs believe in one particular old book, instead of the old books some other religious lunatics believe in, and they insist EVERYONE must believe this shit or DIE.

This is encouraged? When silent films first began, what was one of the first? INTOLERANCE.

Fucking D.W. Griffith knew, didn't he? What's the worst trait in mankind? INTOLERANCE. Fucking INTOLERANCE. And who are the most intolerant maniacs of the 21st Century? MUSLIMS!

Let's not deny the obvious, child. Let's not. And France, let's NOT BE COWARDS!

What's the deal, France? You figure that the more you trade with Iran, the more likely some big-nosed moron with an armpit-hair beard will fall in love with Mylene Farmer or Brigitte Bardot, and stop acting like it's the 15th century? Yeah, some Iranians do secretly listen to rock and rap, and read books other than the Koran, but they aren't changing the status quo, are they? At best, they emigrate to Europe or America and DON'T kill anyone.

What next, France? Why not make all your women wear head scarves ALL the time? It might make ISIS lunatics more prone to keep bombing the shit out of Brussels and leave Paris alone. Oui?

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