Wednesday, July 27, 2016


"Does anyone realize I pay to play?"

Shauna giggles. "It seems impressive that I'm on iTunes, but ANYBODY can be on iTunes. Just PAY UP."

Indeed. CD (Cuntwell Duping) Baby tells everyone how it's done:

It varies only slightly from each of the companies that "agent" material to iTunes or Amazon or Spotify.

Consider that nobody knows who Shauna is. That the artist gets only a few pennies per iTunes sale, and only a few pennies per THOUSAND streaming hits. Most don't even make back the money they PAID to be played on Spotify or to be sold on iTunes or Amazon.

Isn't it ironic that the very people who scoffed that the record labels and managers of old "cheated" the talent, are STILL being cheated? That the low royalties are even LOWER?

Shauna rented a school room so she could use their blackboard and try and map out her future.

She tried to figure out how many GUYYYSSS it would take to BUYYYYYY her songs on iTunes or create enough "hits" on GooTube to get her even enough money to pay for her twat shaving cream and razors.

Eventually her eyes crossed and she fell over, issuing a gasp that could've used autotune.

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