Saturday, January 21, 2017

Sittin' at the GOOGIE or Sittin' at the March? Still gotta love the Yolk

Two events were going on in NYC today.

Yoko Ono's "WISH TREE" (a piece of art, you see) was placed outside the Guggenheim Museum.

It was there for the weekend, to remind people to, er, hmmm...oh, yes, yes, WISH. Make a WISH.

What an original idea.

If you forget that the Jews had the wailing wall.

They made wishes and crammed them into a wall.

But Yoko suggests hanging them from a tree (which some people like to do to Jews, by the way).


WISHING is always.......NICE.


The other event was the Million Woman March.

This went on in various cities. None of the cities had an actual MILLION women marching, because women have delicate TWATS between their legs. They don't march too well. They fuss about their panties and their sanitary napkins and their itchy tampons.

They also have a short attention span, so marching for a block or two, and they will surely glance at a STORE they will want to POP INTO for a while. Meanwhile, the parade has passed them by.

It's hard to tell from this picture whether The Yolk actually cracked into the NYC version of the parade.

And did what? Sat down and listened to speeches?

Gotta love The Yolk, no matter how scrambled she sometimes seems. She's been through a lot. And she IS a legit artist (fuck Banksy, bro.)

She's fortunate she can always surround herself with dopey, affluent, well-meaning cheesy-grin white assholes, just DELIGHTED to be able to make her feel happy by waving an IMAGINE sign.

Look at that bunch of dopes. IF I'M BEING HONEST, they're just a lame bunch of fame whores who go to rallies hoping for a photo Op with SOMEBODY, ANYBODY. "Did you see Alec Baldwin? Robert DeNiro? Madonna?" "No, but look, here's my ugly fucking face grimacing at the camera just a few feet away from May Pang!"

I think The Yolk would feel happier if they waved a $20 and said they were going into Tower Records to buy her new CD.

Ah, but there IS no Tower Records anymore.

But do not worry Kyoko, DON'T WORRY DON'T WORRY DON'T WORRY. I wrote a WISH on a fucking tree that Mommy will have a chain of CD stores that carry her stuff.

And my wish will come true as surely as you'll find a hand in the the Mojave Desert.

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