Thursday, June 18, 2015

America Wipes Her Cunt with a $10 Bill

Somehow, in a cuntry that cunt do anything, not even pass the cunt cuntrol, er, GUN cuntrol legislation Puss er, Piers Morgan wants, we CAN waste time on TWAT DRIPPINGS.

A law's been passed mandating a WOMAN'S FACE be put on a $10 bill.

Stupid idea. A ten? I say put Polly Adler on the $100 bill. Polly was a notorious madam.

It goes back to a joke that has the punchline, "We know what you are, we're just haggling over price."

This ridiculous country already had Susan B. Anthony on a coin, and some Indian cunt with a name nobody could spell and most never heard of. Women have been all over the back of stamps, begging to be licked.

Now? Now? NOW??? Politically correct yammering trumps common sense? One of the best columnists around, Kyle Smith, once again nails it, as he points out that if anybody should be wiped off currency, it should NOT be ALEXANDER HAMILTON.

Doing the right thing, Kyle declares that if we remove awful awful Andrew Jackson, we should replace him with the Saint of America herself, the euphoniously named...HARRIET TUBMAN.

Why TUBMAN? And why wasn't she called TUBWOMAN?

Well, unlike Betsy Ross or Clara Barton or the ladies of Women's Suffrage and "The Right to Vote," Tubman was BLACK.

She was part of the famous "Underground Railroad" that brought slaves from the South.

Sure, if this Black twat was any good, blacks wouldn't STILL be riding in the underground railroad; the subway. And neither would anyone else.

But you can't argue with a woman who became the subject of a Smokey Robinson song.

As white Liberal middle-aged assholes will STILL happily tell you, "Smokey's da MAN! Mmmm, the Temps! Love the Temps!" Then you have to explain that Smokey fronted The Miracles.

For me, the choice is between FUCK and OFF.

Leave it alone. Concentrate instead on figuring out what fag or dyke should be put on the new "queer as a Three Dollar Bill."

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