Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Kristen Lindsey - Cat Killin' is OK, Y'All

She wasn't just a psycho Texas bitch. Cunty Kristen Lindsey was a licensed vet! That made it all the more disgusting when she posted (on her Farcebook page, of course), her happy picture of herself and a cat she killed.

Every ASPCA, every animal group, every vet, knows that it's pretty easy to trap a feral cat. Put out a cage with food in it. Cat enters, door slams, cat is caught. It can then be neutered and put up for adoption. Or humanely put to sleep if something's wrong.

Giddy Ms. Lindsey stalked the animal with a bow and arrow, and shot it through the head. Wheeee! Later on, she discovered it was a neighbor's cat, and not a stray at all. Ooopsie.

Yes, she was fired. But how about punitive damages? Jail? Community service?

In a word: NO.

I was all set to accept the usual feeble excuses, which are that "pets" are just property, and if killed accidentally or on purpose, all the suffering owner can get is the cost of the animal IF it had been bought in a store.

But to have the case thrown out because nobody was sure the bitch committed the act in Texas?? Just ask her, under oath, ok? ASK HER? Nah. It's like the "we're just a venue" excuse on the Internet. Nobody's going to ask anybody anything. So anything goes.

Hopefully the notoriety this bitch has gotten will mean she will NEVER get a job as a vet. Too bad my cynicism has me thinking that in a year or two, she'll find someone to give her a "second chance." As in, "I'm really very good at euthanizing! Put me in charge of destroying animals that are sick or haven't been adopted within the time limit. And, just for fun, let me do it with my trusty bow and arrow!"

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