Monday, June 29, 2015

Latinos Overpopulate Trump - NBC Caves

What's "Freedom of Speech?" Not much, if the minute you say anything, you're censored and political sanctions are shoved up your ass.

First off, that report is racist, because "Hispanics" prefer to be called LATINO. I have no fucking idea why, but they got offended a few years ago, and began bitching at anyone who used the word "Hispanic."

So we say LATINO here.

There are simply too many Latinos in the world. There's South America. There's Mexico. There's the breeding grounds of Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. They've simply pushed, forced and jammed their way into the United States, and overbred once they arrived. They've also pushed bi-lingualism to the point where you can't talk on the phone or use a bank machine without being told, "To continue in ENGLISH, press one. Para ESPANOL..."

To deny this is be ridiculous. To deny that Mexico is a dangerous, psycho country loaded with drug cartels, or that Brazil is a good place to get killed, or Colombia remains Cocaine-land, is also absurd. But it's it comes...POLITICALLY CORRECT to point out that there are now vicious Latino gangs roaming Los Angeles, or that California is a state where fewer and fewer speak English. White people who can afford Latino gardeners and illegal aliens to wipe the baby's ass, will shrug and say, "Oh well, we stole California away from the Mexicans anyway. It wouldn't be so bad if the State became bi-lingual!"

They wouldn't be saying it if everywhere they went, they were denied jobs because Latinos were only hiring their own. But that's better left unsaid, because one thing White idiots don't understand is human nature. Human nature is the same. You hire your own. You like your own. No matter the good intentions, most people will hire their family members first, too. Go to any neighborhood that is ethnic and see the dirty looks you get if you're NOT of that color or race. Unless they're selling to you as a tourist, they'd as soon put a bullet in you.

Trump? This is what he said:

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best...They're sending people who have lots of problems. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists, and some, I assume, are good people."

OK, a bit blunt, but that's what you get. The guy speaks like an ignorant thug, but you'd have to be from another planet, or a rich white jerk in an ivory tower, or LATINO, to deny the basic truth of what he said. The affluent educated Mexicans have no reason to skeedaddle across the border, do they? No. They enjoy their speedboats, for example, and when they slice a British pop singer almost in half, they sip Sangria behind their estate walls, and tell the servant to say: "Sorry, nobody is home. No comment on how your daughter/mother was killed."

The Latinos chose to lay down sanctions on Trump, sort of like Col. Antonio Santa Anna did when he slaughtered Davy Crockett, Daniel Boone, Col. Travis, and anyone who managed to survive to 5,000-to-200 odds at The Alamo.

The Latinos could've said, "We have dignity, and we will work with Donald and show him that we can speak English without an accent, have a dinner without tacos and enchiladas, and offer beauty queens for his pageant whose specialty won't be guitar or flamenco dancing."

Nah. They pulled out of Trump's pageants, boycotted his hotels, and he turned around and did the same. And then Whitey NBC naturally and indignantly sided with their huge market of Latinos and proclaimed that Trump's comments "do not represent those of NBC, and we do not agree with his positions on a number of issues, including his recent comments on immigration."

Immigration? Bring us your poor, your greedy, your drug addicts, your criminals, your jerks who can't speak the language...don't agree with that and you're racist. The fact is, no matter WHAT group, immigrants are a fucking pain in the ass. They are a self-entitled, nasty, lazy bunch of shits, and that goes for the Russians, the Poles, the Israelis, the Irish, and the rest. Trump was right. "SOME, I ASSUME, ARE GOOD PEOPLE," because they've come out of desperation, and they have humility. Most do not. They simply see the United States of Pushovers, where wussies whine about gay marriage, and dribble that Iran should have nukes, and snivel that violent minorities shoudn't be profiled. It's frankly sad and appalling to have anything in common with conservative redneck assholes, but the Liberal dream is mostly that; a dream. Assimilation is slowing down and the percentage of stupid, obnoxious, violent low-grade non-English speaking selfish and loud monkey people has ratcheted up.

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