Friday, June 26, 2015

Daily Snooze frets at Jeremy Clarkson joke on Pistorius

Here's a triple head shake.


Jeremy Clarkson is TOTALLY UNKNOWN in America. Why bother?


Why insist something "SPARKS CONTROVERSY" when NOBODY CARES?


Why imbed a GooTube clip that completely discredits the story?

Above is where the clip was imbedded. There's not that much of an audience at this non-event, and when the camera zooms backward you see the area around Camcorder Boy is very sparse indeed. BUT, you hear laughs, and no boos or catcalls. Everyone loved Clarkson's jokes.

Let's have NUMBER FOUR: I'm not too thrilled with a news story that makes Jeremy Clarkson look good!

Happily, the Daily Snooze can't control the "Comments" it gets, and rarely has the tight monitoring of the London Daily Fail. This piece got a good one:

Oscar Pistorius is probably to South Africans what O.J. Simpson is to Americans...a former idol who was an egotist and who became a murderer. What's to like?

Clarkson, as any competent "edgy" comedian would, took a calculated gamble that his Pistorius jokes would go over, or at least enhance his own status as a provocateur. All he had to do was screen the idea for a few people and see if they'd say "Go for it." Obviously they did.

Shooting some stooge with a paint gun and mimicking Oscar's line, "I thought it was a burglar?" It worked. So did the follow-up, which was not "cringeworthy" at all, as the reporter wrote. It was just fine. "Was that an audience member you just shot in the bathroom?" It just clubbed home the fact that Pistorius shot his girlfriend in the bathroom (with the excuse he thought it was a burglar hiding in there...and he'd rather shoot through the door than leave and call the cops).

This piece exposes the shittiness of most "reporting." This was presented as a news item, but it was deliberately shaded and distorted to make it seem like Clarkson enraged his audience and wasn't funny just cringeworthy. Not true.

It also exposes one convenience of the Internet. People no longer have to settle for shoddy journalism. They can see for themselves, as virtually every event seems to be witnessed and loaded up to GooTube.

NUMBER FIVE: Ignorance IS bliss. I would've been a lot happier not knowing that fuckhead was even in South Africa. But if The Daily Snooze (and the others) don't pump up ridiculous headlines, they won't get the traffic they want. As Paul Simon sang it years ago, "they're just out to capture my dime." Or, all the little pennies that might come in by clicking links and upping the numbers on GooTube. Yes, Daily Snooze, you work for GooTube.

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