Friday, February 28, 2014

Bankrupt Mt. Gox - Bitcoins, Free Porn, Buy Drugs, Free Illegal Downloads and Let's All Rape Copyright Owners

Goodness Gracious. MILLIONS of DOLLARS gone MISSING.

And some weasel, some Kim Dotcom, laughing all the way to bankruptcy court (and ready to start up again with a new name).


Who thought this wasn't a good idea?

Not the greedheads looking for a way to pay for their illegal, stupid drug games, whoring and buying whatever "premium account" might be needed to steal movies faster.

The Internet cocksuckers who use blogs, forums, e-mails, and torrents to invent a "whole new paradigm" for stealing, traffic in illegal drugs, and even white slavery, always had one weak link. It was the Anne Robinson of the cyberworld, a prissy bitch named Paypal. While MasterCard and Visa wouldn't even get involved in the stinky world the cyberslobs inhabit, Paypal would. Up to a point. After enough complaints (the company IS affiliated with eBay, notorious for requiring "enough complaints" before acting), Paypal would take away the "tip jar" on the blog, cut off the account to somebody selling illegal shit on a blog (like drugs cut with even more dangerous drugs), and even help prosecute a grifter with various spam and "pfishing" schemes. Imagine, ruining their FUN?

So the BITCOIN arrived...a way that criminals could deal directly with little criminals in buying boner pills. You could use Bitcoins to buy "premium accounts," to either download copyrighted porn and music and movies -- or to gain access to a "fun forum" full of swingers or insane downloaders. You could buy Bitcoins or bring some teenage girl (or boy) from Taiwan right to YOUR door, to keep her as a sex slave in a basement for ten years until she got too old to be interesting and you hired someone with Bitcoins to remove the body.

The problem with this latest UTOPIA for AMUSEMENT on the fucking INTERNET? Gosh, SOME of these BITCOIN people were dishonest.

SOME claimed the real money never arrived and got lost in transit. SOME blamed hackers when millions of dollar went missing. SOME rewarded trust, the same way Kim Dotcom did at turning around, stealing all the money, advertising for more, and then skipping out.

Or don't you remember that when the heat was on Megaupload, Kim Dotcom put out a special "half price offer," suckering millions of people into buying a 6 MONTH (worthless) Megaupload premium membership for the price of three? Less than a few weeks later, he siphoned all the money, and Megaupload was shut down. And he skated happily around his playground of New Zealand, and danced over to Germany and back, and laughed and laughed while hapless idiots huffed, "Where's my refund?" Oh, isn't there HONOR among THIEVES?

PS, Megaupload was SO big, it intimidated Paypal, who would've been sued for discrimination for denying access to a mere "file sharing" company. PS, Paypal has a rule that says that you can NOT get a REFUND if you use PAYPAL to pay for a "SERVICE" rather than a "PRODUCT." So Paypal shielded Megaupload from any claims for refunds.

Back to our current story. Oh woe is the poor guy who wanted some boner pills so he could fuck his dog Muffin in the ass every day. Oh woe is the poor guy who wanted to pay off a hitman discretely to kill his wife because she caught him fucking his dog Muffin. Oh woe, woe, woe to all the gullible twit-headed robins who trusted big bad wolves of Wall Street who owned BITCOIN companies that were above the law, or could slide into bankruptcy.

But, whoah, there! Whoa whoa, DAY-O and HOO HAH. You can bet these same people will come running when Mt. Gox returns under an assumed name. Or they're told that FLITCOIN or ZITCOIN or ZINHOFFCOIN is ready to help them get around "silly" laws that protect people against bogus drugs and dangerous criminals, or help innocent copyright owners get their modest royalties.

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