Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Ass-Face Bully HUGO HESNY steals while sucking up to his BOYFRIEND JUSTIN BIEBER

Hello, big ugly dumbfuck. Yes, YOU, Hugo Hesny. Mr. Tough Guy.

Is there ANYTHING you won't do for your cowardly BOYFRIEND singer/employer, Canadian Creep and Pussy DeLuxe JUSTIN BIEBER?

The story is that rather than being the ordinary kind of bullying bastard who pushes fans to the ground, steps on feet, and shoves anyone who gets "too close" to a "STAR," YOU, you ugly monkey-faced monstrosity, YOU are apparently an outright THIEF, too.

Well, is that such a surprise? Where do pussy boys like Bieber get their bouncers and Nazi-guards from, anyway? Reputable agencies that are responsible, or from jail cells?

Your story is what, exactly? Your BOYFRIEND pussy boss is too cared and wimpy to deal with a photographer taking pictures? You and your posse of goons can't surround the princess properly to KEEP photographers away?

Or do just like being a sadistic gorilla, you fucking double-ugly no-brained piece of shit? That it, HUUUUUUUGO? YOU GO FUCK YOURSELF, how about that?

So, incredible HULK of DUNG, you don't just tell someone to put a camera away, you GRAB THE CAMERA? And take it?

Sure, if the photographer is half your height and weight...because you're just as much of a coward as your girlfriend, the BOYFRIEND singer, Justin Bieber...snotty brat of the century.

You're counting on Biebs the BeeBee Boy to throw all the money he can to get you off the hook. Then what, you suck his dick for him?

Aren't you embarrassed to chaperone a piece of shit like Justin "Never Wear a Shirt, Wear an oversized Ass Hat" Bieber?

Hey, HUUUUUUGO, as in HUGO FUCK YOURSELF, why not be a hero and throw a punch that flattens this pussy bastard's nose and knocks half his teeth down his throat? The world is waiting for Justin Bieber to get his ass kicked, and get the fuck back to Canada and stay there.

PS, did you try and grab the camera from the prison photographer who took your mug shot? Guess you're not THAT tough, Huuuuuuuuuugo.

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