Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Bruce Jenner - Sex-Change Sideshow Freak Should Join a Circus

America has produced a disgraceful freak show called "Keeping up with the Kardashians," and made an obsession over an ugly skank's gigantic butt, her creepy mother's whorey make-up, the mother's freaky-looking girly-man husband, and the rest of the puke...including Kanye West and various imbecilic Kardashian and Jenner sisters...

Most would agree that KIM KARDASHIAN is the most obnoxious and disgusting of the lot, since it all started because she was a slut-skank who videotaped herself having sex with some dumbass black guy. Oooh, and her father was one of the weasel-lawyers who got O.J. Simpson off a murder charge. What a claim to fame: being a slut and having an ambulance-chasing cold-hearted piece of shit for a father.

But...Bruce Jenner seems grimly determined to become the freakiest, most nauseating member of the clan. Here's his latest picture...where he looks as evil, insane, and sexually confused as some transvestite murderer in a bad Brian DePalma movie.

What the FUCK is THAT?

Some time back, Jenner intimidated creepy Jimmy Fallon by coming on the "Late Show" and glowering about how strong he is, and how tough he is, and how he didn't like all the jokes about his plastic surgery-fucked face. Fallon backed down and nervously giggled and apologized.

Like the tranny in Ray Davies' "Out of the Wardrobe" song (much weirder than "Lola"), Jenner probably considers himself a chick with a dick. Or a bull dyke with an enlarged clitoris. Or just Bruce Jenner, inventor of a whole new and totally repulsive gender.

What is most disgusting of all, is he has to do this in public, and along with the horrible Kardashians and the rest of the twisted mental cases around him, he's got trailer trash morons tuning in to some bad cable channel to watch it all. And whatever he and the other freaks do, becomes unavoidable media fodder. You just can't fucking pick up a newspaper without seeing a picture of one of these brain-damaged egomaniacs.

Which is why this blog is DISGUSTED with the AMUSEMENT industry. This queer Quasimodo half-man half plastic mannequin should be in a leper colony waiting for his dick to fall off, and NOT be featured constantly in my daily newspaper.

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