Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Mary J. Blige - Ignorant Animal-Killing Dirtbag Bitch

Well, you GO girl...you GO TO HELL.

Take a look at this brainless bitch, Mary J. Blige:

This HO will OBLIGE any fucking FUR DESIGNER. Bling-crazed Blige, a big load of bilge, is wearing a "bleached alabaster sable and lynx" coat, valued at the wretchedly excessive price of $100,000.

She doesn't give a damn about animals....the way some people didn't give a damn about Africans some 150 years ago. Back in those backward days, some people thought Africans were no better than monkeys. The idea was to haul them in chains to America and put 'em to work as slaves. Why not? Africans didn't seem too bright, didn't talk except to say ooga-booga, and didn't even wear clothes. Hell, some of them were cannibals and were eating each other! Fucking BLACK SAVAGES...what good were they except to serve the superior race?

What happened? Consciousness-raising. "Hey, these blacks have feelings. They have emotions. They know how to love their offspring. They communicate in their own way even if to YOU it all sounds like ooga-booga..."

Today, normal people wouldn't think of African-Americans as nothing but monkeys to serve as menials. And most normal people DO NOT WEAR FUR.

But to this nasty, insensitive, arrogant Mary J. Blige show-off, a sable or a lynx is below the level of an African in 1860, pre-Abraham Lincoln. No, a beautiful lynx has no feelings and no right to live...it should be slaughtered so that SHE can wear its fur. What she does to a lynx...would she do to somebody's cat?

It's vanity and it's insanity, but this HO' (she does it for money, or to get to keep the fur) doesn't get it. Tell me that cutting a cat's throat and wearing the fur is any different from doing it to a sable or a lynx! It's cruel, it's stupid, and there's no reason for it. None. Man-made garments are much warmer.

What a STUPID, STUPID bitch this MARY J. BLIGE is.

We've evolved from thinking that an African should be just a slave, a tool for a smarter race. Mary J. Blige just hasn't evolved enough to understand that animals have feelings...and that their cries when they are hurt and abused are just as rending as those of a whipped nigger on a plantation in Alabama.

Murdering animals for vanity?

Christ, Blige, you are one ignorant disgrace.

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