Sunday, February 9, 2014

Swiss say IMMIGRATION is FULL OF HOLES no Rapidshare for Didier Burkhalter

Say, that's one pissed-off looking Nazi...

Didier Burkhalter (a name that could've come out of "Hogan's Heroes") doesn't like the way monkey-morons from crazy countries are doing a Rapidshare in Swiss Cheese Land.


Unless you need some monkey to scrub a toilet or wipe the baby's ass, you really DON'T need 'em. Especially not if they're going to babble in their own insane language, smell up the place with their awful cooking, walk around dressed like it's Halloween, and start raping and killing if they don't get their way...or if you don't practice their particular crackpot religion.

Orson Welles once said that Switzerland, with their (cowardly, wimpy) neutrality and aversion to war, has had little to show for themselves besides cuckoo clocks. If Orson wasn't being kind, he might've crossed that one positive out, on the grounds that the Swiss invented yodeling, which makes it hard to hear a cuckoo clock.

Switzerland is known for being a hypocritical scummy country that not only condones but licks the arses of every corrupt politician, hedge fund weasel and criminal on the planet. "Yes, yes," says Didier Fuckwad, "come bring us your money, which we will happily shelter! You get anonymity! We don't mind HOW you earned it!"

Likewise, Didier Fuckwad gives a pass to Rapidshare, which has for years found safe haven in Switzerland. They rapidly share American and British music (just about the only music anyone cares enough about to steal). They'll stay in Switzerland, learning a lesson from Megaupload. The Nazi nutjob who ran Megaupload foolishly chose to be a big player in New Zealand, rather than rub his coprophiliac nose up against some of his fellow Nazis is Switzerland, a country a little too close in style to Germany to be hip enough for a music (stealing) mogul.

Rapidshare happily believes in Swiss anonymity for its uploaders (and downloaders) and will rarely suspend the account of a paying "premium" member.

A lot of their most obnoxious "premium" members (ie, dicks) are from second-rate countries like Holland and Sweden...places Didier Burkhalter feels are so ripe with stinky morons that he wants to make sure none of them can emigrate to HIS country. Let these foul, moronic cretins pay Rapidshare for accounts via Paypal...that's as close to Switzerland itself as they should get!

Rapidshare (aka Crapidshare, aka Rapidshit) also has plenty of premium pricks from the greasy nation of Italy, where Mussolini was once revered, and where copyright has been so lax that factories have literally churned out bootleg CDs and vinyl by the millions. "Ay, watsa-matta-fa you? Dis is-a legal in-a Italy!"

So...Didier Burkhalter (translates as "I'll diddle you in your burka or halter") wants to make sure Switzerland doesn't get fucked up by foreigners. If you're neutral, it's about all you can do. Once the monkey swine are actually IN your country, how do you fight them when they're blowing themselves up in your restaurants, and bombing citizens as they watch a parade? Fuck, these monkey swine would even use your own cuckoo clocks to set the timers on these things!

Rest easy, every-crook. Your Rapidshare account is still operating so you can get free amusement. Your drug dealer, who supplies the rest of your amusement, is also safe because his bank account won't be handled by some Paki maniac or even some devious German who might have ways of sneaking some currency out of a safe deposit box, and rolling it up inside a knockwurst and shoving it up his ass as he goose-steps to the border.

"Restrict Immigration" say the Swiss. Let every nation follow their example...shun immigrants...their language, their customs, and even their food. Each to his own cheese! If you're in Switzerland, only eat Swiss cheese. If you're in the U.K., only Cheddar. If you're in Italy, only Mozzarella (or Parmesan...lucky you). If you're in France, only an oozing brie, and in America...ha ha ha...only...VELVEETA!

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