Thursday, February 13, 2014


Some months ago, I wrote about hideous YouTube morons. There's no shortage of delusional people who will sit in front of a monitor, play guitar badly, and offer their God-awful "original" songs, thinking they have a chance at being discovered.

Many of them offer mindless "tributes" to a favorite star. This takes the form of unrehearsed off-key cover songs sung to a karaoke track. SISSY BABY has sat around in make-up, girlie dresses and diapers, doing a ton of this shit...singing along to all her favorite songs.

As with vanity "have your lyrics put to music" 45's that are now highly prized by that cult for "outlaw" and "lounge" music, I predict these YouTube videos will be gathered up onto DVD and sold at memorabilia conventions. Maybe they'll have some inane caveat like: "These are public domain because they were found on YouTube, not intended to infringe on copyright, sold here as "fair use," rights still belong to the original artist, support the artist by going to gigs and buying t-shirts."

Surely, SISSY BABY will be one of those lucky artists to be included in ANY collection of "incredibly strange" music videos.

The screen cap above is of course, SISSY BABY, who apparently is one John Inghle, owner of the YouTube channel, a man with an overwhelming (over 700 posted videos) need to spend much of his time in "adult baby drag."

I was looking for Karaoke versions of Bob Dylan, and along with simple lyrics-on-screen titles to choose from, up came Sissy Baby's collection of sing-alongs. Yes, even though they have only gotten a pathetic number of hits (like, 30 or 40), they turned up rather prominently. Maybe he pays for placement? And people STILL don't want to look?

There's no point in making snarky remarks about Sissy Baby. I also don't shoot ducks in a barrel. I post it here just to chronicle what passes for amusement now, and how so many, many people, in or out of drag and diapers, feel compelled to add to the overpopulation of YouTube (and eMusic and Spotify and MySpace etc. etc.) by refusing to leave entertainment to the professionals.

Warhol was not correct. The future is not people being famous for 15 minutes, but people demanding to be famous forever...and as the cliche goes, being legends in their own minds. Ray Davies has turned out to be much more the profound psychic. He sang, "Everybody's in show biz, everybody's a star...doesn't matter who you are." Or if you have talent. We CAN be amused by people who have no talent at all. Ray may not have envisioned a future where he couldn't get a record label deal, or move 50,000 copies of an album in stores, or that he would be competing with SISSY BABY for a YouTube viewer's valuable time. But it's happened.

YouTube link for SISSY BABY doing Knocking on Heaven's Door.

Want something even more gross? SISSY BABY (sometimes billed as ADULT BABY ME) has covers of Scissors Sisters, Toni Basil and lots more. But one of the weirdest is the literal leg-kickin' rendition of Subterranean Homesick Blues...

A warning photo:

PS...about the teeth...the lesson here is never use a rusty nail as a pacifier.

If SISSY BABY becomes the next LADY GAGA or HONEY BOO BOO it wouldn't surprise me. Everybody's in show biz...with a shot at "going viral" and becoming contagious, like the Korean asshole who danced around "gangnam style" or the sobbing queer who simply sat in front of his camcorder and howled, "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE."

And the guy below? Oh, that's just Weird Al as "Lady Gaga." He's singing, "I'm not crazy...I PERFORM THIS WAY." He went five years without making an album, since albums don't sell much...and it can be quite a money-losing proposition to do a professional music video with production values. He actually paid out a LOT of money to create a music video for "Perform This Way," and then donated his royalties to charity, lest he offend all the gays, drag queens and transgenders who love Lady Gaga and think "Born This Way" is a sacred anthem.

And yeah, "Weird Al" has to compete with Weird people including a guy in baby-drag, because today's audiences have no discrimination and anything bizarre can hold their attention.

The world's gone insane.

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