Sunday, February 9, 2014


Oooh, the fun of going to the "zoo." This is entertainment and amusement…watching animals jailed up and confined to small spaces, where they have to listen to shrieking brats all day, and see misshapen morons point at them and take pictures. They don't get the fresh food they would get in the wild. But they're supposedly "better off" for being in captivity rather than hunted to extinction. What the fuck, right, as long as a few specimens are in zoos for our amusement, kill all of them in the wild. Oh, and kill 'em in zoos, too! The Copenhagen Zoo for example.

Ah, "wonderful wonderful Copenhagen," which was once full of Nazis (decent people had to flee the country) and is now simply full of shit. What the FUCK is the point of Denmark? To keep Germans from pissing into the North Sea? To keep an eye on Sweden's suicidal population, hedonistic copyright stealing "pirates" and the rest of the inbred dopey Swedish meatballs who live there? On both counts, they've failed. So, how about we euthanize all the Danes? How about we blow Denmark off the fucking map?

Why not…that's their attitude towards a baby giraffe…just kill it. Actually, not only kill it, but dismember it in front of a zoo audience (including children) and throw the pieces to the lions. Just like they threw Christians to the lions. Mmm, nice going Denmark, let's show that man has not evolved much in 2000 years. As to why they couldn't just "fix" the male giraffe if they were so concerned with der "Master Race" of giraffes they were breeding…ach, ach, too expensive. Why bother? Kill it instead! KILL! KILL! KILL!

Long story short: you don't cut down giraffes and be barbaric and cut them up and throw the meat to lions.

Denmark seems to be loaded with nothing but red-faced beer-bellied drunks, ex-Nazis, current Nazis, unfeeling slobs, and a whole lot of herring. FUCK YOU, DENMARK.

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