Saturday, February 22, 2014

Charlotte Dawson Gives Up Her Anti-Bullying Fight; a suicide. Shit heads & New Zealand Animals Cheer

What's the biggest form of Amusement these days? The Internet, of course. "Social" media.

What's the biggest reason for this? Bullying, Bullshit and Bootlegging. The battle cry of the cretins is "Freedom of Speech" and "Don't RUIN our FUN."

The latest casualty in the fight against these grotesque and childish greedheads is Charlotte Dawson...a beautiful model who moved from magazines to starring on various idiot reality and contest shows. Unfortunately, idiot reality and contest shows may be a sign of civilization's decline, but they aren't as popular as simply trolling Twitter and other sites and being an unreal asshole.

And so, the assholes, hardly impressed with Dawson's level of fame, harassed her as much as they could, driving an already weakened and depressed woman to self-destruction.

Altogether now, trolls: "She deserved it! She tried to RUIN OUR FUN! We pledge to drive more people to suicide. Ha ha ha!"

Charlotte Dawson may have been the wrong person to lead the charge...having a strike against her already for being an attractive woman. TROLLS HATE ATTRACTIVE WOMEN. The bitchy cunt variety of troll is jealous of any woman who doesn't spend her time sitting alone at a computer, and the bastardy dick variety of troll hates all even unattractive ones don't want to associate with creepy geeks who are constantly on "social" media and tweeting and texting rather than developing the skills to be interesting in the real world.

Yeah. "Social" media is actually a refuge for "Social" outcasts. The problem with this is that they cross the line into being vicious, nasty, evil carriers of "social disease" who aren't merely insulting, but are out-and-out mental cases. They go on Twitter to post, every day, "please kill yourself" on some victim's account. They use the Internet to, in the words of one troll, "harass you till you die."

Back in 2012, Dawson attempted suicide after becoming hopelessly frustrated by Twitter trolls. She was targeted and bullied for being part of "Community Brave," an anti-cyberbullying group.

What could be more FUN than driving somebody to attempt suicide? Why, continuing until the person actually dies. Woo hoo!

A typical Woo Whore, who is probably in hysterics at this very minute, is Tanya Heti, who had nothing better to do at Melbourne's Monash University, than try and get Dawson to kill herself. Tanya Heti is happily tweeting and barking on the Interent right now. Fortunately for her, Monash University let her hang on, because cyber-bullying IS, according to them, "freedom of speech," and there's nothing wrong with e-mailing someone a zillion times, hacking their Twitter account, urging someone to die, and the rest of the FUN and games.

In this era of thrill-seeking, nothing is beyond the pale and it's impossible to out-Herod Herod. ALL is permitted. The movies, of course, are where we're supposed to go to see the worst type of pornography and the most grotesque violence, and then laugh, laugh, laugh at being able to keep our popcorn down when most any normal person would be puking.

The outspoken, now-deceased Ms. Dawson had some support in the anti-bullying world, but like most any group that gets together out of a sense of outrage, or sensitivity, that world was miniscule compared to the cancerous, ever-growing monsters who like their FUN. If anything, she received criticism from those who actually confuse real "Freedom of Speech" with the diarrhea-mouthed callus-fingered garbage the cyberbullies and the "entertainment should be free" downloaders warp to fit their own misshapen brains. Dawson, not a fan of New Zealand, said "Unless you're very mediocre you need to get out of there – you just have to if you want to keep succeeding otherwise it'll just crush your spirit."

That was her opinion, based on her own observations, and it's not really possible to "bully" a nation just by expressing your views. She didn't say it a million times and hack every New Zealander's Twitter account or website to post it, either.

She also happens to be right. Aside from speaking English, and having some obscure wildlife, New Zealand IS a shit pot. For one thing, it was the place where "Don't RUIN our FUN" Megaupload Nazi "Kim Dotcom" chose to build his mansion, the biggest on that turd-shaped island. Yet, some were saying "Dawson deserved it," because she had opinions. Opinions, stated, is different from bullying and harassment. So what, so she said something negative about fucking New Zealand!

For New Zealand to encourage and give safe-haven to one of the world's worst copyright-abusers, the head of the scummy Megaupload, shows how horrific New Zealand is. For Dawson to have encouraged Lorde (some singer I never listen to) to leave New Zealand only made sense. Lorde was not going to be a Grammy-winner and a world-renowned singer (to some people) if she confined herself to the zoo called New Zealand.

Well, even in death, there are cyberbullies. Apparently some people "followed" Dawson on Twitter just to be able to post on her account. You'll note the asshole below, proud of his graffiti handle and dopey picture, gleefully posting some self-important bullshit for all the mourners to see, about whether he did or didn't kill Dawson:

Twitter is such an appropriate name for a site full of bird-brained self-promotion...only it's turned deadly. The website Jezebel noted, in reporting on Charlotte's death, how often her Twitter account was bullied:

The boxer Jeff Fenech, who bears the scars from an attack on the real world, is still more concerned with cyber-bullying than thugs, hoodlums and thieves who attack innocent people with knives. He is part of an organization called Angels Goal, which also attracted the time and effort of Charlotte Dawson. might think (as the toads who dissed Charlotte Dawson for speaking her mind) that THIS blog is a bit hypocritical in supporting any anti-cyberbullying campaign. Isn't THIS blog full of cyberbullying?

No, it is NOT. How could you bring up such an inane notion?

Oh. You didn't. I did. That's because I'm sensitive. I understand that people can have their feelings hurt. I just don't happen to feel that assholes such as Miley Cyrus and the Kardashians, or an asshat like Justin Bieber, have feelings. They've been criticized by a lot more powerful websites than mine, and they could care less. Real cyberbullying is harassment, it's the constant abusive destruction of someone's piece of mind through e-mails and hacking and the abuse of their Facebook and Twitter account (among others). It's always aimed at people who are the most vulnerable...ones who aren't famous, ones who are often isolated, and at an awkward age when they need support and friends the most. It's aimed at the weak ones, like Dawson, who have a history of depression, a disease that can cause an intense degree of sensitivity and fragility. The more the frustration, the more the anger and hurt, the greater the depression.

And so it was, that Dawson lost the fight. Not the stupid, selfish fight for 'Freedom of Speech' for those who don't know the meaning of the phrase Not the stupid fight to download everything for free and have the "FUN" of raping copyright owners and laughing and skipping around and around their ridiculous windmill or mommy's basement while wearing a fucking effeminate and ridiculous Guy Fawkes mask. She joined the noble fight to stand up for those who are helpless and hurting.

Charlotte Dawson was a beautiful person.

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