Thursday, February 13, 2014

Gender Jackass BRUCE JENNER QUITS his "Reality" show

Horrible but true, "Keeping up with the Kardashians," a trailer-trash reality show, has been on the air for NINE seasons.

Granted, it's easy and cheap enough to have a cretin with a camera follow a few monkeys around, and have a conniving director and writer think up stunts to stage and pretend are "real," but NINE FUCKING YEARS?

There's some talk that the show might finally be taken off the air, like the hideous "Jersey Shore" was, the Gene Simmons mess, Ozzy and his moronic wife, etc. One thing is apparently for certain: Girly-Man Bruce Jenner is OUT.

Why is this mentioned HERE? When it's just gossip?

Because, in chronicling the shit we call "entertainment," I find it most interesting that at the height of Jenner's publicity, with the paps following with rapt attention, THIS particular "star" is uncomfortable enough and disgusted enough to want to retire.

A woman's privilege.

This leaves his ex-wife, media whore Kris, in charge of the 5 K-named KUNTS: Kendall and Kylie Jenner, and Kris' daughters from a previous slutty marriage: Kourtney, Kim and Khloe Kardashian. Kris will probably hook up with another B-list semi-famous asshole as she did the sleazy lawyer Kardashian and freak-faced Jenner, and continue on and on and on, as a kind of trashy, smelly, talentless variation on Joan Collins...who still has to primp and posture like an old prostitute, but at least had legit credits before she became a parody.

Good luck Bruce, with your breast augmentation, ball sack removal, and whatever else you want to long as you do it in private and stay off reality shows forever.

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