Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Aw, the guys at GOOGLE aren't happy.

They don't, yet, have control over life or death.

Not completely.

Oh sure, they can spit in the face of President Obama (more on that in a minute).

Oh sure, they can spy on people with their Googly-Googly Google-Eyed Google Map game, and let anyone zero in on where somebody lives, and case the neighborhood and figure out the best way to break in to rape, rob and kill.

Oh sure, they can usually spit in the face of a copyright owner, force 'em through endless DMCA hoops, and kill a person's livelihood to the point where a performer might commit suicide.

And yes, yes, yes, GOOGLE can corruptly encourage and even pay (via Ad Sense) the small-time thieves, liars, petty-crooks and con artists they allow to upload copyrighted material to YouTube and offer illegal downloads and outright porn on Blogspot blogs. Go anywhere in the shit-stained underbelly of the pigs who inhabit torrents, perv-zones and forums of fuck-heads and you'll see this phrase all the time: "Google is Your Friend."


Once in a while, they lose a round.

What's all this, then?

You all know that cyberbullying is a great way for Google, Twitter, Facebook, Comcast, Time Warner and the rest to make a fortune. The more Internet action the better. Publish any antisemitic, anti-gay, anti-black, pornographic racist shit and it's ALL good for THESE RICH WHITE GUYS. Go ahead, Google "how to make a bomb" and "how to start jihad" and Google will take you where the action is, especially if it's on a Blogspot blog they own, and one that is loaded up with "ad sense" shit and ads and a "tip jar" for "Google Payments."

So YouTube (owned by Google) wasn't too concerned about having millions see a nasty insulting movie that might piss of Muslim fanatics. If somebody was naked in it, it would've been removed. Can't have NAKED on YouTube. But other than that...It's ALL Good.

Except the irresponsible jerkoffs who made the film took footage of one CINDY LEE GARCIA out of context.

In essence, they put her out there as a target for Muslims and Islamites...some of the stupidest, angriest, most violent jerks on the planet.

Cindy asked YouTube to take down the video but, naturally, GOOGLE, like EBAY like all the others, says "Jump through these hoops. And after you do...if we so decide, or we feel a "counter complaint" is justified, go fuck yourself. Sue us. Take us to court. Ha ha ha. We dare you!

Cindy dared.

After all, her life was at stake. Google wasn't saying, "Come on, dear, we'll fly you to one of our Scientology-like compounds. You can hide there and get a job with us, where the brainwashed fuckhead Yuppie scum we hire get free food, exercise, and other perks for being pricks..."

Nah. Remember, THIS fucking movie, when it first surfaced on YouTube, was "blamed by the Obama administration for sparking the deadly September 2012 protests at the American embassy in Benghazi." That's the New York Daily News I just quoted.

But as I said at the top, GOOGLE can SPIT in the FACE of the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and keep up a video that got people killed...with an ordinary, helpless woman named Cindy Lee Garcia in the cross-hairs of a maniac's rifle.

Fortunately, the woman could prove that she did NOT authorize the fuckheads behind this "movie" to use her in their game.

The last line...hilarious. Google's "Standards." WHAT standards? The one that has allowed Christer the Blister, an asshole in Sweden or the infamous Dutch Douchebag, Fat Ugly Hans, to get a free blog hundreds of times while ignoring the obvious? The standards that allow bootleggers on YouTube to post 5 minutes of a TV show and an address or dotcom for purchasing the bootleg? The standards that allow various sex freaks to film themselves and then post contact information?

Google's Standards! I'd like to see the official book of their standards. Oh. But I don't speak German, and the tome is called "Mein Kampf," isn't it?

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