Sunday, June 21, 2015

America's Choice? Willie Nelson vs Jim Beam

For decades, the "legalize marijuana" folks have said the biggest roadblock is the alcohol industry.

The theory back in the late 60's was, "Man, eventually EVERY politician will have smoked weed, and so eventually they'll pass laws for it." But for over 40 years, politicians have feared the booze and bear companies, just as they do the N.R.A.

But recently Willie Nelson (and Snoop Dogg) have licensed themselves for medical marijuana sales in the "rogue states" that have legalized the stuff.

WHAT THE FUCK turned things around?

Part of it is the "brave new world" of Vape and Tincture that didn't exist till now, complete with instruction on how to and what's best.

I guess the Generation X brats and Millennials are good for something. As they did with stealing music and turning the Internet into one big Times Square porn shop (only FREEEEEE), they said, "We have the Internet, we have new drugs we can buy on the Internet, we even have tinctures that can be mailed undetected, and we're gonna do as we please. So legalize it and tax it, or lose out!"

"PS, Dad, we know about your mail order pain-killer and boner pill buys, so lighten up."

At the moment two states allow recreational marijuana products to be sold, and another dozen or so allow for "medical" use with a "prescription." But as a Californian told me, "it's a joke. You can walk along the beach and sleazy doctors are hawking prescriptions, cheap."

It's also possible politicians figure a cannibis tincture is a better alternative than heroin (now very cheap) or the varieties of home-made meth. Then there are health store herbs like St. John's Wort, which can come in the same tincture as medical marijuana, and which is legal in some countries without a prescription, but not in others.

The good news is that in this age of enormous stress, there are some better alternatives than booze and cigarettes.

The bad news is that drugs aren't the answer to a bad economy, racial unrest, violence and having somebody maliciously trip you in your pursuit of happiness.

That more and more people are seeking drugs should only encourage the politicians to provide 'em. After all, if you're wasted, baked, or otherwise mellowed, you ain't marchin' anymore. If the opium dens were good enough for the tyrants who oppressed the people of China, then medical marijuana should be encouraged by any administration that basically keeps down the minimum wage, does nothing about emigrating terrorists and continues to allow big corporations to poison the planet, add carcinogens and GMO's and shit to the food, and make the workers wish for nothing but getting home and getting high.

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