Friday, June 19, 2015

Buh-BYE, DOUCHEBAG Alejandro Rhett of J.Crew

Don't you LOVE those J. Crew SHORTS?

Every businessman douchebag is wearing them.

For the cheese-faced ethnic mess called Alejandro Rhett, shorts and a briefcase will be perfect for those long, hot, humid summer months looking for a job.

The big surprise here is that J. Crew is a "struggling" company. How can that be, when it's on the Internet and sells mostly mail order?

Oh. The company's failing because they hire too many useless, over-paid Vice presidents like Alejandro Rhett. He looks like a party-hearty slacker who spends most of his day making paper planes and jerking off at his desk to black girls who'd never date him.

Sorry, the whole "entourage" thing is so 90's. So is J. Crew, IF I'M BEING HONEST.

Their stuff is aimed at a specific type of mild-mannered affluent Connecticut-type. This is that Martha Stewart clone, that George Plimpton guy, who subscribes to the N.Y. Times, has "dust ruffles" on the bed, owns a waffle maker and actually uses it on a Sunday morning, and is glad to get a gift certificate to Starbuck's. J. Crew, too.

There are too many J. Crew shops in areas that are losing that "affluent white" demographic. The blacks and Latinos who are taking away the white exec's jobs don't buy that stuff. White guys are also marrying more ethnic women, and these gals are told to dress "exotic."

THIS is the front page of the J. CREW website:

Nigga be standin' around lawn furniture?

THIS is why J. Crew is sliding into oblivion. Blacks don't wear J. Crew and never will. No man "of color" will. Whites who'd be delusional enough to think, "oh, J. Crew is hip, look at the Negro in an outfit I myself could wear..." are on the endangered feces list. These shits are losing their jobs to minorities, being ridiculed for their lame, pricey clothing, and can't look anything but ridiculous in most anything except an even more conservative style.

J. Crew's stuff is blandly tasteful, like cotton shirts with collars on them. If you're a J. Crew guy you're expected to accessorize with tassels on your loafers, a belt that has your monogram on the buckle, and always, a sweater lazily draped over the shoulders. Everything is triple the price anywhere else, but it's "quality; made to last." Which is true. If you don't mind dressing like a middle-class dork, you'll be able to wear that same outfit till you're actually as old as you look in them.

If you're lucky, you might get a pair of pants or an overcoat as a gift, and not be too embarrassed to take it back, but once you're in "coordinates" from this company, you might as well unwrap the plastic bag from your Wonderbread and put it over your head.

Alejandro Rhett, being a Millennial version of a shit-for-brains, can get away with the "I don't wear socks" look. Which is fine if you look at him and don't have to smell him.

Just why obnoxious Yuppie scum don't like to wear socks, I have no idea, but they don't. It's probably so that they might appear to be wearing stockings, instead. Which would go with the PURSE.

Alejandro Rhett didn't quite understand that he got the job because of an ethnic first name. He was not expected to be a typical white prick with no humility. Maybe if Alejandro had worked himself up without the silver spoon, he would have had a little more compassion.

Entertainment for a weasel like Alejandro Rhett would be snickering and smirking over the people he fired, and all the un-kewl types who get the ax for not being oh so AWESOME. So, like a snarky stewardess who wants to everyone know she's glad they're off the plane, it's "Buh-bye, BUH-BYE."

BUH-BYE to Alejandro Rhett the weasel, Alejandro Rhett the cheese-ace, Alejandro Rhett the pin-up boy for looking like a dickless corporate ass-licker, Alejandro Rhett who probably demanded that the bartender use a particular brand of rum for his cocktails, Alejandro Rhett the cornball faker with the porn-star name, and lastly, Alejandro Rhett the utter SHIT. BUH-BYE. May you NEVER WORK IN THIS TOWN or ANY TOWN again. May you spend the next year going to dotcoms, and using the "contact this website" template to beg to show your resume. May nobody be interested except a V.P. at "Metrosexual Douchebag Dotcom."

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