Friday, June 19, 2015

Ugly Loser Tiger Woods Rattled by "CHEATER" Banner

As if he needed any help.

Pussy Woods, now one of the world's worst pro golfers, has been fucking up on golf courses the way he did in bedrooms.

Every time his pulpy stupid face is on the news it's usually, "Tiger just shot the worst round of his career..." or "That was the quickest exit from a tournament he's had in years."

Somebody actually hired a small plane to fly over him and taunt him with a CHEATER banner.

Yes, sometimes there's good news. But this guy is so twisted, he may have sent the plane himself. Like, "I can't win, so if I get somebody to punk me, I can have an excuse to keep doing bad and leave."

So now he's a homely middle-aged jerk who still has some millions, but looks like a guy who should be cutting the greens, not putting on them.

Woods is certainly the most disgusting shit lump ever to play golf. Part of the problem he can blame on Whitey. Whitey embraced him, declared him God, put him on magazine covers because he was that rarity, a BLACK GOLFER, and soon whores and sluts came running.

Like a few who could be named, Woods quickly took his rage out on these white bitches. After all, if he was just an office worker, with his looks, he'd get NOTHING. The more he realized these chicks were playing the race card, just like everyone else around him, the more angry he got. How angry? Ass-fuckingly angry. Dirty-cursing angry. His wife sated him for a while, but soon he was buying whores, and resenting paying for it. Well known madame, Michelle Braun, got six calls from him asking for girls, and he paid the outrageous price of $15,000 to $40,000 for action. He expected prime pussy, any sick or kinky whim obeyed, and discretion. Well, two out of three.

What was his wife? A no-brainer. Eye candy. A nanny. But she was white, Swedish, and quite a better trophy than a fucking Green Jacket handed to him for a tournament win. But money can't buy everything, and she got awfully tired of his rubbery ventriloquist-dummy face. He got tired of waiting till he got home in order to have sex.

The result was Widey chasing him out of the house with one of his golf clubs. The pathetic jerk crashed his car while trying to get away from her. She smashed his car with the club, and gave him a punch in the mouth, cracking two of his front teeth.

Ultimately, as the papers dug deep, he had THREE TIMES the number of women bitching about him as Cosby did. And yet, he was able to find an even stupider woman to marry him; Vonn, who vas vonce a ski champ but now was another white goldigger.

Yeah, he cheated on her, too. He learned SO much about women over the years. Not.

At this point, Woods' mental game has collapsed, younger and smarter players have emerged, and while some race card players still cling to the "he's a BLACK golfer" stuff, the novelty has worn off. Why, there might even be equality...that nobody much gives a damn WHAT color or race a golfer is, as long as he can make dull rich guys watch and cheer.

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