Sunday, June 28, 2015

Madonna - and the Bitch get Richer - Farm Fraud

"The Material Girl" indeed. One reason people (especially women and gays) admire the badly aging gap-toothed slut is she's "so smart." She re-invented herself again and again. She made a fortune playing the race card and gay card with her endless black guy fucking and pseudo-lesbian headlines. She'd throw in a jab at Catholics now and then, turned Jew when it suited her, became an arch-Conservative and moved to England for a while, and has come back to do the same stupid disco-sex songs with dumbass aerobic "dancing" from Puerto Ricans behind her.

When it comes to real estate and finance? She won't end up in the poor house. She knows where to build every whore house.

Pretty smart on her part.

Find government land in one of the wealthiest "old money" vacation spots in the world, happily plant trees that will merely provide privacy, and get every tax break in the book.

Long Island's lesser areas (inland, middle island, not near the beaches, with no interesting views or quick access to posh shops) are potato farms. There are a few farms that raise other things, but Madge ain't gonna be planting blueberries or strawberries. No way.

She's hired guys to plant Leyland Cypress and Robusta juniper, which feed nobody but give her a lot of greenery and privacy for the 5 million dollar mansion with its eight bedrooms. Ah, that's plenty of rooms for all her favorite Latino men and slutty lady friends.

The locals would probably counter that it's better to sell to Madonna than to have a Kanye West swoop in, buy at any price, and then building compounds for a few hundred disgusting moochers, relatives and loudmouth pals.

After all, the locals were very upset when P. Diddy bought a place in the ultra-white Hamptons when he was more o a "rap nigga" than a "mogul" who might have some class and decorum. The area is still home to all kinds of famous writers, actors, and other superstars. I think Macca bought the Southampton home of Billy Joel, who moved further down the road.

What's galling here is that a classless rich bitch bought the property and is just using it as a buffer so that her security guards can see anyone approaching, while a fringe of trees are like fences all the way around.

Madge is very old fashioned. Aside from whatever properties she still owns in Olde England where she tried to be a cuntry squire, and places in Europe, she has a big townhouse on the East Side of Manhattan. This is another "old money" area, very conservative and quiet, unlike, say, SoHo and NoHo, which she can easily reach via a 15 minute limo ride downtown. Not that the bitch has EVER been seen on the street or in a local store or one of the museums within walking distance.

Ironically the one time I saw her was well before she moved into the neighborhood. This was when she was "Madonna the film director." She decided to shoot a sequence in front of Sotheby's. Her black-shirt Fascist bullies took over the block, with the faggy ones tensely hissing for the plebs to stay well behind the barriers, and the tough guys shoving their bodies around knocking into anyone who was not quite where they should be.

Madge, sans make-up, was a tiny thing, and she looked pretty withered and old, actually. She most definitely didn't look like the glam-whore she does on stage.

It's unlikely the woman will be turning heads in the Hamptons either. Frankly, though it's a very rich area, it's loaded with day trippers and tourists and star-gazers. Seeing Macca or Madonna would drive them into that selfish "I know you don't want to be bothered BUT..." bit.

The Hamptons are actually pretty boring when it comes to shopping. Madge would be more likely to entertain at home, or book some exclusive beach, or book a private room at a posh restaurant. She's not going to pose for selfies or sign autographs while walking around the chic boutiques in the very small resort towns (which are absolutely dead in the winter, with a skeleton number of convenience and hardware stores remaining open).

Ah, the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. Give the bitch credit. She still makes a fortune doing the same stupid moves on tour, just as Macca sings the same stupid songs (like "Hey Jude" for ten minutes) every time. Reach a level like that, and even if you fuck up (Willie Nelson and his tax problems) it's not too difficult to earn back millions and millions and once again have a fancy home or two. With LOTS and LOTS of trees.

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