Saturday, June 20, 2015

"But now I've got it, the word is good."


THAT is the word.

You couldn't keep control of your surly, disgusting gun-crazed son?

Now you're getting crank calls threatening your life?

What could I say to you, Daddy-o?

"But now I've got it, the word is good."

GOOD. I hope you've got the shits. You had shit in your semen when you helped spawn your loser son.

Yes, it's "Gun Crazed Mass Murder of the Week" in the USA.

THIS week, the outrage is that some punk sat in a church full of OLD BLACK PEOPLE, smirked and simmered for a while, and then gunned nine of them down. Killed nine harmless old people because they were black.

Real cowardly, huh? That's how these white crackers are. And ISIS too, come to think of it. Sadly, the redneck scum never blow themselves up. They get caught, give up, then pose for wild-eyed or sneering mugshots that we have to see for a fucking week or two.

This kid was just a Nazi. But in America being "just a Nazi" is a ticket to join insane local groups, parade around with various bully fanatics at trailer parks, and post on FARCEBOOK. There's no shame in it.

Miles Davis once said that every black over 55 "deserves a medal for putting up with the shit," and he was right.

The daily stress, tension, humiliation, anger and misery most of these people have endured is hard to even imagine. For many of them The Lord is the salvation (not going to boot sales). So these people were in church, hoping for the best. They got the worst.

Little Mr. Punk didn't go to a tough ghetto neighborhood and try shooting it out with drug dealers and pimps. Nope.

America the Wimpiest won't throw him into a prison and let him fend for himself. He'll be guarded, pampered, ass-wiped and coddled, just like that hummus-faced little monster who blew up the Boston Marathon.

Obama, of course, did what he always does. He looked grim. He gave a grim speech. Piers Morgan (and others) have asked why he doesn't do more than that. The answer is that he's a President, not a King. He can't declare gun control. He also can't depend on senators or congressmen who simply are outnumbered and outgunned by the redneck loonies in this country. Except for a few "blue states," voting to ban assault rifles, or voting for a 7 day waiting period and background check, can get you kicked out of office.

There are 50 States. If a few have strong gun laws, all the loonies have to do is cross a border to buy all the crap they want. They can also buy mail order, and "gun expos" showing off rare weapons are immune from most laws.

The NRA is amazingly powerful because Americans are amazingly stupid. As Paul Simon sang it, "Paranoia strikes deep in the heartland."

It means that instead of owning ONE handgun and keeping it handy in case of burglars in your home, it means keeping a fucking arsenal. It's an arsenal that inevitably leads to crimes of passion, suicide, or some dopey kid breaking into the "locked" rifle rack and blowing away half his schoolmates.

"Take away our assault rifles, and our ordinary guns will be next," and blah blah blah.

The only hope is "eye for an eye," and if this moron's father gets his fucking head blown off, "THE WORD IS GOOD."

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