Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Queen Elizabeth II? Some people are easily DELIGHTED

Slanted and pointless puff news pieces about the ROYALS are all too common.

Commoners are supposed be DELIGHTED just to glimpse them.

At the USA Today website, they teased with a moronic headline about Germans being DELIGHTED to see Queen Elizabeth II wave from a boat. Then you were supposed to click the link to see the video.

Why? To see the old bag wave? How does that improve the world? That's ALL she's good at. Except she barely even did it during the 30 second "news" clip.

The clip showed the Fab Frump posing with "The Queen of Europe" (that's how the bitch was billed!) the German Twat-Fuhrer. Next, on the boat, the only person strenuously waving was some grandson of Rommel with a misshapen face.

Who knows, he may have been drawing attention away from the two women secretly peeing on their royal potties.

There was one very brief long shot where the "onlookers" were visible at the riverside. Onlookers, yes, because they were NOT a crowd. Some of the faint dozens had British flags, and were probably ex-pats. What else could they do, except watch Queen Elizabeth II up the river without a paddle, now that there are no more illegal streams on The Box. I doubt any curious Germans were among them. Why would German citizens give a damn about this old cricket bat?

Before the 30 second clip there was a 30 second COMMERCIAL for an energy drink (ie, an unhealthy sugary caffeine-filled can of liquid junk). The message was that you need an energy drink if you're going to be able to keep awake through even 30 seconds of Queen Elizabeth II sitting like a duck, and once in a while vaguely lifting her hand.

How much did this "event" cost the people of England and Germany? There was some vague remark about how the Queen was going to talk to "The Queen of Europe" about the EU. Ewwwww. There's a stench to that notion of "news" isn't it? The Queen of England has no power in these matters, does she?

"Why wasn't Cameron in the boat, instead?" "Because he's an absolute sinker."

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