Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Big O Boots Uppity Spic-Dick-Chick

An ugly washerwoman-tranny illegal alien shouts at the President of the United States? In the WHITE HOUSE? This wasn't some loudmouth heckler at some outdoor event anyone could attend. This was a privileged invitation to the white house. Look at this arrogant slob!

There's quite a sense of entitlement in America, especially among obnoxious undocumented pests, sex freaks, religious fanatic immigrants, and dumbasses. They get coddled everywhere they go, as the PC Police cringe at the thought of saying something that might OFFEND a person of color, a lazy parasite coming in for freebies, a potential terrorist, or nuts who think that being queer makes them better than anyone else.

The takers in America are ingrates who only want more. Is it a surprise that the heckler who kept nagging and interrupting The a Mexican Sex-Change Freak who doesn't even belong in the country? Someone who a mentally unstable illegal alien gets invited to the White House (because saying "I'm here and I'm queer" trumps the average citizen's request). This pushy sack of flea-bitten bullshit then has the nerve to mouth off?

In the video, our super cool dude Prez shakes his head and says "No, no, no..." trying to shut up this spic chick who once had a dick. Or still does.

But this arrogant ranter wouldn't shut up. Not when America has bent over backward to give every racial and sexual minority every break they ask for. So this bellowing ingrate insisted The President should drop worries about Isis, the economy, pollution and the needs of all Americans when it comes to health care, housing and a decent wage, and concentrate on guys who think they are women! This maniac was bellowing that all trannies should be released from jail, no matter what they did. Total amnesty. And how about free hormones? Food stamps? Free housing? Forcing every restaurant to have a third bathroom for trannies? Oh, and especially, let Mexican trannies sashay over the border illegally and give them every rights a citizen has.

You name the minority group; they find a way to justify and rationalize their bad behavior. They know how to make demands. They'll proudly tell you they're SPECIAL. They believe in Allah and aren't heathen. They lick their own kind and aren't crummy heterosexual breeders. They were "oppressed" a hundred years ago so everyone owes them. Blah blah, and blah.

The Big O couldn't get a word in, even after saying "This is my house," and wondering how an INVITED guest could be so rude.

To their credit, the rest of the proud queers, dykes and Caitlynns had been chanting "Throw her out." It was only after they did that, that this idiot was thrown out.

That's how pussified the country is. The President's security guards couldn't act unless it was PC to do it...unless they heard members of the fabulous Gay, Lesbian, Transgender Community say it was ok.

After all, a TRANSGENDER ILLEGAL ALIEN FROM MEXICO has RIGHTS. Right? A normal person, not so much. If it was a white reporter asking a question a little too loudly at a press conference, the man would've been hustled out the door after only one interruption. Instead, the President and his staff gave this greasy freak every opportunity to waste valuable time with rude ranting.

Disrespect The President of the United States? Sure. He only happens to be bi-racial, and made it to the highest office in the land despite his mixed heritage. But being a spic Tranny trumps that! So a sex freak who doesn't even belong in the country felt he/she could berate the President.

The late night news and the Internet websites all ran this embarrassing clip of Obama trying to be polite to somebody who should never have been invited. Free food and drink and a chance to see The President in person wasn't enough.

Hey, look around. NOBODY gets much respect. Even white Anglo-Saxon Christian males get shoved on the street, have obnoxious neighbors, fail to get hired, and have trouble getting laid. Things are bad all over. Too bad everybody's got an ego and the idea that they deserve more than somebody else.

I've been to many political events, and meetings in general, and, no, there isn't time to get to everyone, and sometimes I walked out frustrated. Some problems are also a bit more complex than just saying "Do what I say." Especially when an ignorant one-issue jerk thinks the President should be talked to like a nigger shoeshine boy. "Do this," the tranny seemed to be bellowing, "you don't know anything about oppression or rights. Trannies deserve the highest priority!"

"No, no, no..." Obama said. He kept his cool. But suffering fools ain't so hot.

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