Saturday, June 27, 2015

Stupid-looking Monkey-faced Media Whore Kim Kardashian Buries Glastonbury

The news out of England lately has been fucking tragic.

First and foremost, there's the plague of the Kardashians. In a sane world, the dog and monkey show that is called "Kimye" would be confined to the retards of the USA. Why any other country would want this shit is beyond rational discussion.

Glastonbury should be a celebration of British rock music, which truly became an original worldwide phenomenon from The Beatles on through to punk and New Wave. Yes, Woodstock had some British acts. Nothing wrong with that. But Glastonbury shouldn't be leaning on Americans, and most especially, Kanye West, who is NOT rock.

Just what the fuck he is, I have no idea. He's a thief. The only thing I liked of his was a quasi-rap rock song that "sampled" (stole) from Shirley Bassey's "Diamonds are Forever." At best, once in a while he sings "rack." That's rap-rock.

Speaking of RACK...fugly Kim Kuntrashian has been facing forward, showing her tits, and keeping photographers away from her thunderously smelly behind.

Well, yes, anything to avoid having to look at her retarded llama face.

Kanye's embarrassing presence at Glastonbury opened the door for Brits to ogle his slutty wife. Yes, the one who became famous for sucking cock while a camcorder was running.

Brits should be repulsed at seeing this gruesome cartoon waddling into fine shops where the Queen buys her fashions. Brits should be appalled that their newspapers publish queasy, grotesque pictures of this mongoloid dromedary — and expect the country to embrace her and ind her attractive. Yeah, her fat gobby boobs show through because powerful flashes tend to blast through cheap Spandex. So? Great Britain doesn't have MasturKaty and Snotten and plenty of others? They need this greasy shaved gorilla?

Look at that monster. Why is she look solemn, grim and disgraced? Is it because she knows her stepfather is an ugly freak-woman with fake tits? That her husband is an anus-lipped ingrate who fakes being angry and fakes having talent for designing fashions, and has to pretend to be Weezus or Jeezus or whatever the fuck, because he can't own up to being an ordinary middle-class black kid who had an easy life? Maybe she casts her eyes down because her mother is the world's skankiest whore. Or maybe because of the weight of the dung she uses as mascara. And what's she been sucking that has caused her drooping and deformed lips? She's caked on the fake tan to the point where Kanye isn't sure if this is a white bitch to abuse, or a soul sister who tricked him into marriage.

It is an abysmal and depressing situation when these Kardashians and Jenners and Kanye can go all over the world and be treated like Royalty. IF I'M BEING HONEST, their presence in the headlines is more disturbing than Isis. Isis has a reason for concern. They are insane terrorists bringing havoc all over the globe. The Kardashians bring havoc all over the globe just by being classless, selfish, stupid, gruesome greedy pigs.

Two other bits o sorry news from the UK were learned about through blogs and forums. They involve the real entertainment world (nothing entertaining about Kanye at Glastonbury, or Kim who seems to excite the media in the same manner as an escaped baboon).

Some weeks ago, there was fear that it would be pissing rain at a Madness concert. The truth is, it was just ordinary pissing. It is a dismal fact that even if you like crowds, and like to feed off the "energy" of being in the midst of a happening, that joy deflates when you're surrounded by loudmouths, babbling bozos taking selfies, sudden scuffles and fights, and drunken guys who might wet YOUR pants if you can't stay out of their way.

I went to see one of the greatest stars of all time last year (or maybe the year before), and while I enjoyed the thrill of actually seeing the guy in person, and being part of a "happening," I never got fully into it because I was constantly being distracted by assholes texting, morons shouting conversations to other morons, retards being spastic and jumping up and down like pogo sticks, and/or singing along off-key and substituting "woooo" for most of the lyrics.

So my sympathies go out to anyone trying to have fun and see a favorite band when there's real danger going on, and unhealthy jostling from selfish nitwits and drunken fools. Then there's the plodding purgatory of trying to get back to the car and AWAY from the madding crowd. It's Madness, I tell you!

Lastly, it's always sobering to hear of hell scorching someone's happy world. I wasn't too thrilled with Jim Watt back in 1980 when the plucky American challenger Sean O'Grady lost to him. This was due to a head butt that created a bloody mess and forced a 12th round stoppage. Sean may have been ahead and certainly would've finished strong if he wasn't distracted and looking like he'd been hit in the face with a tomato. Fortunately he would later win a title against another champ. Though Jim didn't stay on top too long, he was a pretty good fighter, and for 20 years or more, the Scotsman has been a colorful, at times amusingly incomprehensible fight analyst, always with an expert view of "punchies" landed.

So it was sad to learn that his daughter, 38, who was quite attractive and had established a TV career for herself, and was married with a five year-old daughter, committed suicide. The guy already had a tragedy to try and put out of his mind in the car crash death of one of his sons, who was only 17. That happened 20 years ago, almost to the month of this new raw, and awful incident. The woman seemed to have paradise...fame, a family, a house...but she took her life. And Jim Watt seemed to have so much to take his mind off his trauma from years ago — a thriving TV career of his own, a wife, two surviving children and a grand-child, too.

Kardashian, who looks like a figure made out of ear wax by a drunken Madame Tussaud, travels around to inflict her ego on the world, doing nothing but being a wretched example of stupidity, loose morals, and petty greed. Jim Watt's daughter couldn't find a way of putting wretched thoughts out of her mind and seeing the positives in her life. Who said life was fair? Oh, PS, Kanye, Kim, FOAD indeed.

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