Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Aw, BEEBS was jus' bein' BANKSY - Graffiti is KEWL

Idiots think graffiti is art.

Millennials think selfishness is kewl.

So BIEBER and his shower buddies decided to spray-paint the sell date of his new album all over San Francisco's sidewalks.

Apparently this kind of shit is so common, nobody with a cell phone took photos of the perps.

None of the fags of Frisco's law enforcement or transportation or sanitation divisions thought to check a surveillance camera and save the evidence.

So far, the official word out of Sodom is, "We're in a snit. It's one thing for leather boys to suck cock in the street, and dykes to show off their nipple rings, but Bieber ads on the sidewalk? This has nothing to do with the city's preoccupation with alternate sexual lifestyles. Boo hiss!"

The city is sort of asking that Bieber and his record label pay to have the paint removed. Or maybe pay a fine. Or something. But they can't seem to get their heads and tongues out of each others' asses to file charges.

Besides, Bad Boy Bieber was just havin' fun. The city must have teen Belieber girls who aren't yet lesbians, and no doubt a lot of leather men who fantasize about 'the "Baby" singer' (as he is still called).

The S.F. spokes-fag had to stress in the press release that graffiti demeans the citizens, is against the law, isn't attractive, and spoils the pretty city for tourists...all things that Millennials and avant-farts would disagree with. It's ALL good.

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