Thursday, December 3, 2015

Oh, PSYCHO MUSLIMS were the San Bernardino Killers. WHAT A SURPRISE.

Everyone was wondering: WHY open fire on a harmless, obscure facility that treats disabled people?

People dressed in black with assault rifles...that's too sophisticated for redneck anti-abortion assholes. There have been cases in this great country, of a redneck shooting up an old folks' home thinking JEWS were in there. And shooting up Planned Parenthood. But...nope, this wasn't the work of stupid rednecks.

And don't the ISIS bunch target BIG places like concert halls and offices of newspapers? What's so special about THIS place?



They suddenly snapped because...INFIDELS THREW THEM A BABY SHOWER!

OK White Christians, what's your story now? I know EXACTLY what it is:

"Don't blame everyone for the actions of a few. Nyaa nyaa."

Anything else, idiots?

"MUSLIMS are pious, decent and oh so strong in their beliefs. We have to bend over backwards NOT to offend them! It's obviously OUR fault. Somebody triggered this by saying something they did not like."

Except Quakers, Orthodox Jews and even Druids don't go home and get their assault weapons and black masks and start killing. Isn't it a bit strange they had ALL that shit ready to go?

"It's just one teeny-weeny incident. 2 psycho Muslims died but they took out FOURTEEN normal people. It happens. Let's all show solidarity and eat stinky halal food, wave another million Syrians and Iranians into the country, and NEVER monitor a mosque or frisk some twat in a burqa."

And if you say Muslims are crazy bastards who are unpredictable and violent, and you have the're a racist who should be ignored.

There was a time in America where one could say "Remember the Alamo." Now, you can't, because Mexicans are nice people. Just because they stormed a church and refused to take prisoners, and instead shot and killed Davy Crockett and other heroes there...don't say "Remember the Alamo" because it sounds anti-Mexican.

"Remember San Bernardino?" Eh. Forget it. Like the two brothers who "seemed normal" till they blew up the Boston Marathon, we just have to accept that now and then, some Muslims will go on a berserk rampage and murder innocent people in the name of their religion. Oh well.

As the white people holding hands at the golf course would tell you: "It's OUR fault."

Let's all spend our lives trying to figure out why FAROOK suddenly snapped, and found a twat to wear assault gear and fire assault weapons with him and destroy innocent people.

"Co-workers told The Times they were shocked when they heard Farook, who they described as "devout," was linked to Wednesday morning’s massacre. Two health department workers who took cover in a bathroom when the shooting occurred told the newspaper Farook was quiet and polite and didn't seem to have any grudges.

Other colleagues said Farook was a devout Muslim who spent most of his time in the field.

“He never struck me as a fanatic, he never struck me as suspicious,” Griselda Reisinger, who worked with Farook until May, told the Times. "I would say hi and bye, but we never engaged him in conversation. He didn’t say much at all." His relatives give their "condolences" to the families of the dead. Yeah, that does a LOT of good.

One Muslim organization repeated that the Koran says that killing innocent people is not nice. But FAROOK seemed to think his victims were NOT innocent. How could they be when they weren't MUSLIM?

And yes, in gun-happy America, the assault rifles bought by these Muslims "were purchased legally." Oh, of course. Muslims need assault rifles, yes indeed. "And how many rounds of ammunition do you want with that? Enough to kill 14 people and wound another 17? Yes sir, right away, sir. And Islam is a fine, fine religion."

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